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To: SeekAndFind
Duh, you think? The guy is filling his back pockets on a myth!
2 posted on
09/08/2011 6:18:49 PM PDT by
(Posting on FR since 1998 and 100% teleprompter free post as well.)
To: SeekAndFind
He’s not an expert on Global Warming.
He’s the Pope of Global Warming.
3 posted on
09/08/2011 6:21:33 PM PDT by
(Bats left, votes right)
To: SeekAndFind
I didn't know that many lived in a cave.
4 posted on
09/08/2011 6:22:35 PM PDT by
(you betcha!)
To: SeekAndFind
5 posted on
09/08/2011 6:24:08 PM PDT by
(In 2012 Sarah Palin will have more quality executive experience than Barack Obama.)
To: SeekAndFind
Huh? It’s that high, strange.
6 posted on
09/08/2011 6:25:09 PM PDT by
(iphone 5 release date late October - rats)
To: SeekAndFind; Fractal Trader; Genesis defender; 4horses+amule; Carlucci; Little Bill; Desdemona; ...
7 posted on
09/08/2011 6:27:03 PM PDT by
(If it's "green" ... it's crap !!!)
To: SeekAndFind
Well at least he can fall back on his status as an Internet expert.
8 posted on
09/08/2011 6:27:06 PM PDT by
(When does policy become treason?)
To: SeekAndFind
I’d think that would be a new record high for him
9 posted on
09/08/2011 6:29:10 PM PDT by
To: SeekAndFind
To: SeekAndFind
I am an Earth Scientist.
I seek the truth, truth that can be tested by my peers.
What peer-reviewed articles on the tested cause and effect of CO2 on air temperature has Algore published?
I am waiting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
I can’t wait any longer, Green Bay is leading New Orleans 21-7. Gotta go!
11 posted on
09/08/2011 6:33:16 PM PDT by
( obamatrauma"care" violates the 1890 Sherman Anti-Trust Law.)
To: SeekAndFind
43% of RATS think Algore is an “expert”?? I think I see the problem.
To: SeekAndFind
24% of voters consider Gore an expert on global warming These people vote? May Gaia have mercy on us.
13 posted on
09/08/2011 6:46:12 PM PDT by
To: SeekAndFind
Why would ANYONE think Gore is an expert on climate??
To: SeekAndFind
Gore should run on a third party ticket, he can get 24% of the vote if there are that many morons.
To: SeekAndFind
Al Gorp isn’t even an expert on Tipper Gorp..
16 posted on
09/08/2011 7:10:50 PM PDT by
(This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole...)
To: SeekAndFind
Photo of a couple from the 24%
17 posted on
09/08/2011 7:11:34 PM PDT by
To: SeekAndFind
I would suspect a high percentage of the 24% is or has been institutionalized. Citing a Nobel prize these days is a good punch line.
18 posted on
09/08/2011 7:19:38 PM PDT by
(There's a pill for just about everything ... except stupid!)
To: SeekAndFind
The man is an academic dunce.
He’d have a D average studying underwater basket weaving.
There is less creativity in his small brain than there is in the Obamaloon.
He couldn’t hold a real job....anywhere.
The fact that he’s an ex senator and ex VP should tell us more about us than him.
To: SeekAndFind
I guess the other 76% haven’t seen “An Inconvenient Truth.”
20 posted on
09/08/2011 7:21:17 PM PDT by
To: SeekAndFind
The 24% who think Gore is a climate expert, probably also believe the Easter bunny is real and Obama is really helping the economy.
21 posted on
09/08/2011 7:23:39 PM PDT by
The Great RJ
("The problem with socialism is that pretty soon you run out of other people's money" M. Thatcher)
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