Oh no, that’s like saying they are INVITING attack by wearing the uniform.
There is a war going on in this country. This shooting was part of it.
Here in CA, the latino gang-bangers shoot at and often kill law enforcement officers, then flee to Old Mexico where they will not be extradited, due to our death penalty.
I think it has become a rite of passage for the invaders to wage this war on peace officers and others in uniform. Therefore, all the more reason to wear the uniform proudly and, in essence, say: Bring it.
I would much rather have a LIVE Soldier in civilian clothes, then a Dead one in uniform.
They did the ban in the 80's to protect our Soldiers, and a good thing they did, you, I nor anyone else were harmed by that order to ban.
In civies or uniform, our soldiers still know how to protect themselves, if given a chance. In uniform they were sitting ducks, what chance did they have to protect themselves, armed or unarmed?
I say cut the RISKS. It's like saying after a child has been run over, "My kid has a right to play in the street, it's our street", your kid is also DEAD.