To: Oldeconomybuyer
As California prepares to commit tens of billions of dollars to an ambitious high-speed rail line from San Francisco to Southern California...High Speed Rail. A solution for which there is no problem.
2 posted on
09/08/2011 6:00:05 AM PDT by
from occupied ga
(your own government is your most dangerous enemy)
To: from occupied ga
I guess Brown and the Dem legislature are not satisfied with running towards bankruptcy. They want to ramp up to hyperspeed.
8 posted on
09/08/2011 6:53:37 AM PDT by
(Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. But, Mr Obama, wisdom is not putting it in the fruit salad)
To: from occupied ga
High Speed Rail. A solution for which there is no problem. If you want to create jobs, forget these silly high-speed rails! We should be building high-speed canals between every city. These things require even more capital expenditure and have MUCH higher operating labor costs. Talk about boatloads of new jobs!!!
9 posted on
09/08/2011 7:02:53 AM PDT by
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