To: from occupied ga
I guess Brown and the Dem legislature are not satisfied with running towards bankruptcy. They want to ramp up to hyperspeed.
8 posted on
09/08/2011 6:53:37 AM PDT by
(Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. But, Mr Obama, wisdom is not putting it in the fruit salad)
To: chuckee
"They want to ramp up to hyperspeed."
Why stop there ...

10 posted on
09/08/2011 7:14:44 AM PDT by
(Secede?! Y'all better just be thankful we don't invade ...)
To: chuckee
I guess Brown and the Dem legislature are not satisfied with running towards bankruptcy.A government can never go bankrupt as long as these is someone somewhere in its juristiction who has some assets that can be seized (taxed) and used to pay for the government's insane schemes. The government can bankrupt every hard working citizen, but will never bankrupt itself as long as there are police (who are paid from the plunder) willing to rob the citizens of the fruits of their labors.
11 posted on
09/08/2011 7:56:58 AM PDT by
from occupied ga
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