Morris just tweeted:
“Perry just hurt himself badly His SS answer could cost him the election”
“We are watching the suicide of a candidate”
Dick Morris/Rove are just prostitutes for Romney. And Dick Morris knows a thing about prostitutes.
Morris just tweeted:
Perry just hurt himself badly His SS answer could cost him the election
We are watching the suicide of a candidate
Don’t trust the toe-sucker.
Morris needs to get his binky and calm down. Perry will navigate through this.
“Morris just tweeted:
Perry just hurt himself badly His SS answer could cost him the election
We are watching the suicide of a candidate
I wish Demint was running. Palin/Rubio might win.
Morris is a drama queen.
In 2008 right after McCain suspended his campaign to go to DC and make a fool of himself with TARP, Morris said it was a brilliant move that just won the election for McCain. Enough said!