The issue with Palin isn’t whether or not she can make up her mind, it’s that getting in too early would be strategically bad for her the way the media and the Establishment want to tear her down.
She’ll be in soon enough.
I disagree, but time will tell. Look me up if you turn out to be right! All I know is that I will vote for the GOP nominee whoever it is.
If Sarah gets in by sometime in September, the media will still have plenty of time to tear her down along with all the others.
By entering, these people can get the issues that hurt them the most out of the way early on.
Tonight, most of them dealt with those issues pretty well.
As each one enters, they enjoy a short honeymoon, then the bashing begins.
I heard he is sort of a "progressive" on the BORDER issue... and that does not sit well with me already.
What does he have to offer to SOCIAL-CONSERVATIVES?