That depends on how well he is able to fool the masses. He has sure fooled many here.
Debate over.
Paul, Hunstman, and Santorum did not make the cut.
Newt did very well but cannot be elected—too much baggage. He’s brilliant though.
Perry, Romney, Bachmann and Cain held their own.
Big losers: Dick Morris and Karl Rove.
Here I go. Watched the whole painful thing and the real winner was Nancy Reagan. NONE of the candidates stood out for longer than a rare couple of seconds. Newt for his taking it to the mods and the fed, Cain for his stand on immigration and state’s rights, and Perry on the death penalty.
That was it, and I am frankly disgusted that with all the GOOD Conservatives in this country, THIS is what stands before us as our standard bearers.
I swear to G-d! If I hear Michele Bachmann say ONE MORE TIME that she raised five kids and 23 foster kids, I will kick the TV in.