Posted on 09/07/2011 1:53:42 PM PDT by newzjunkey
Oh, and Chris Matthews is a son of a bitches too.
Sissy Matthews says Perry is a knuckle dragging luddite!
BUmp for TRuth FEllow FReeper!
I think Cain could beat Obama. That is one debate that I would LOVE to see! I actually think Obama would be too much of a coward to debate Cain.
Oh, right. Huntsman was elected governor (twice, by huge margins) of one of the 3 most conservative states in the U.S. Huntsman left office with a 90% approval rating in Utah. His economic plan reads like a conservative manifesto all about deregulation and competitiveness from beginning to end. It could have been issued by the Club for Growth. Hard core anti-abortion, pro second amendment etc. In terms of their governing records, Jon Huntsman is more conservative than Romney ever thought of being.
I am also writing her in if I have to.
OMG, I would pay as well!
As long as he was either banned from mentioning the wifey, or a drink were allowed.
I think Perry just needed to “not lose.” He’s still standing and didn’t back down. He has a lot of work to do to prepare for what’s coming in his direction in the near future.
If I had to pick two of the participants to run a company for me it would be Newt and Cain. wish Newt didn’t have the baggage he is the smartest, Cain is the most practicle.
Newt/Cain would be nice but not happening
Mesta...tee heeeeee ...been over on MSNBC chat all night fighting dragons there for the first time. Great to nail the woozess time and again....what idiots! Got my feet wet and came out smelling like a rose! Even plugged for Free Republic when someone tried to slam it....
What was interesting is the chat people are trying to decide what Republican to vote for since they no longer want Obama....that was interesting to see and hear.
I expected Perry to fumble tonight, simple from fatigue and the distractions he’s had to deal with in our scorched state.
He did better than I expected.
He’s a cool customer. Probably crooked, too. Don’t much like him, but maybe we need a tough guy to take on the thugs.
Hannity’s not talking about the debate now :(
I tend to agree. Huntsman is not the right guy. They need somebody with more recognition.
Leftball Matthews is jumping on Perry too, though I think the TEA party/Conservative chooses, and it’s still open to most all as long as they keep trying
I don’t know who won the debate; who’s the true conservative; who will be the next to drop out. Don’t really care except that Huntsman is out and soon. Believe this, I WILL VOTE for whoever the nominee is. I can’t come to grips with another 4 years of an Obama Administration. The thought of it :( ......Just makes me sick..........
Chris Matthews is ranting and raving that Perry doesn’t buy into the global warming.
[Because it is the hoax of the century, Chris. A ‘consensus’ of scientists is not scientific. Many reputable scientists have discounted global warming.]
Exactly. And now, my FRiend, you have seen the depth of the Rick Perry candidacy.
Not only do they not have a conservative, they don't have anyone who is not an ultra-left wing moonbat. Even Chris Matthews would be a tremendous improvement over that crew, and I detest Chris Matthews.
“Put the fence on the other side.”
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