What EVER.
It would be nice if there were a way to get Mexico to kick in for the medical costs incurred by their citizens that they freely encourage to seek their fortunes in El Coloso Del Norte without even asking it a formal by-your-leave.
This Perry RINO is dirty!
Actually, that sounds like a good idea. The United States government will pay for health insurance for all United States citizens in Mexico and the Mexican government can pay for health insurance for all Mexican nationals in the United States. I’m for it!!!
Thread predictions...
Obama will win because the only way to fight a communist is with a bigger communist.
Obama’s Saul Alinsky and Reverend Wright ties matter. But Perry policy speeches and letter don’t matter because they were written aa long time ago...
Border fence? We don’t need a border fence. we just need to get ride of the incentives. You know like the Texas Dream Act and guest worker programs Perry wants so badly.
San Dieago has this in place where people who live on the border can get treatment on either side. It’s insurance, people pay for so that they can utilize the facilities on both sides of the border. Mexico has some good medical facilities that caters to US citizens who need cheaper care.
“What EVER.
It would be nice if there were a way to get Mexico to kick in for the medical costs incurred by their citizens that they freely encourage to seek their fortunes in El Coloso Del Norte without even asking it a formal by-your-leave.”
The United States Federal Government is 100% responsible for every penny of that cost. Not just because they let the illegals in, but because the Federal Government mandates health care providers give away their services for free(1986 COBRA act).
They talk about people stealing form the system by showing up in the emergency room and they couldn’t be more hypocritical. The Federal Government specifically the Democrats who forced thou COBRA at the last minute are the reason folk can steal healthcare service.
The Federal Government NEVER had any right to force anyone to give away free services. But in 1986 they did, and sense our emergency healthcare service providers have been forced to give away their services.
I think it would be better if illegals paid for the health care they get now for free also.