Ya know, Mexico has become a real pain in the @$$.
It was just a study that concluded it would be a bad idea.
He endorsed a newly proposed (circa 2001) Texas law that would allow PRIVATE Texas insurance companies to issue policies to US and Mexican citizens living within 62 miles of the border. The government would play ZERO role outside of changing the law so the insurance companies could offer the product.
It was a 100% free market solution to a huge problem in Texas -- the state with the largest number of residents in the country without health insurance.
The OP is trying to trash Perry, as usual, but his approach to this issue is 180 degrees from ObamaCare, or RomneyCare, or HillaryCare.
Not everyone agrees with Perry's approach, but the notion that this was some sort of secret giveaway of Texan's hard earned tax dollars to Mexicans is absurd.
Perhaps You should read the article. Your attempt to try to criticize Perry FAILED.
he won’t be my first choice but lies like yours move him up.
Perrybots sure sound just like the Rudybots did in 08.
In fact, he ought to be in one of the numerous rides his billionaire sponsors have fronted him over the last what, 12 years?
The "Tea Party Express" aren't real-deal Tea Party people, either, but they're close enough -- they're old Gray Davis recall-petition people ("California Deserves Better"), ex-Reaganauts, and Tom McClintock boosters from out in California, and some of them are professional party people who are still real-deal conservatives, and not part of that bunch that got Ahnuld involved in running for Governator.
According to who? Someone at the "New American"? LOL!
Good governors SHOULD ask for and review the results of various studies etc. in order to keep fresh ideas and options in mind whether it be economic related, security related or anything else. This wasn't acted on, nothing came of it, and even if one believes the conclusion of this author....which I don't... there was no harm - no foul.
Ron Paul? Is that you?
Okay, now you are posting trash from the John Birch Society in an attempt to attack Perry and support Palin? Is that the kind of support that Sarah needs? The John Birch Society? Really?
Is it John Birch Society night at Free Republic?
The sad thing is you might actually believe you know what “Bi-National Health Insurance” means. Probably not though.
Using the John Birch Society as a source of information doesn’t really boost one’s case.
Well that no good RINO! What a POS! Makes me sick. He’s done absolutely NOTHING for this country. Worthless! Born with a silver spoon in his mouth; for guardisil, for TTC, for illegals coming across the border and flooding the country and for them killing the border agents and ranchers.
He’s a louse. He has no solutions he just wants to be elected.
The article has lies and you lie.
Perry did not embrace Hillarycare as you say he did.
You are a liar.
Except that this story isn’t true. There would have been no Texas money to pay for health insurance for Mexican citizens or American citizens under this plan.
posted on FR 3 days ago
Even the Washington Post got this right, but not the New American. Too complicated?
There was a study about the feasibility of allowing private insurance companies to sell across the Border, for coverage 60 miles on either side of the Rio Grande.
Then, there was no new law that allowed the sale of private insurance across the border.
I'll take Bachmann, Cain, and Palin. They don't backtrack.
South Koreans sleep soundly on their border with NORKS because of American Taxpayer dolars and the American GI.
Why cant Texans, New Mexicans, Arizonans and Californians?Maybe Perry can educate us peons and peasants about things we just dont know enough about to have an opinion?
Illegal immigration is THE KEY to the perpetuation of the status quo in DC......
You CANNOT..in 2012...run ANY political campaign that is ambiguous about your immigration position in the current job market.
Unemployed Americans are looking for assurances of their governments concern about THEIR plight...not that of businesses forced into looking for disposable labor because of onerous tax and regulatory policy.
Illegal Labor is the Feds out for preserving the status quo regarding Taxes and Regulation...and is the ultimate litmus test as to the candidates in question commitment to meaningful regulatory and tax reform. If they are wishy-washy on the subject...they have no real intent to disturb the DC status quo...no matter how big their cowboy hat and six-gun.
Paulhroids in action
The way things are going with perry, He would sell Texas to mexico if he had his way. He sure has been doing a lot to please Mexico as if he works for them.