1 posted on
09/05/2011 4:59:21 PM PDT by
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To: Tempest
What EVER.
It would be nice if there were a way to get Mexico to kick in for the medical costs incurred by their citizens that they freely encourage to seek their fortunes in El Coloso Del Norte without even asking it a formal by-your-leave.
2 posted on
09/05/2011 5:01:39 PM PDT by
HiTech RedNeck
(There's gonna be a Redneck Revolution! (See my freep page) [rednecks come in many colors])
To: Tempest
3 posted on
09/05/2011 5:01:39 PM PDT by
To: Tempest; Bender2
To: Tempest
You are working overtime to post as many anti-Perry postings you can.
Then 0bama white House thanks you.
5 posted on
09/05/2011 5:02:30 PM PDT by
(0bama got 0sama?? Really, was 0sama on the golf course?)
To: Tempest
WHO are you for??? Please answer.
6 posted on
09/05/2011 5:03:36 PM PDT by
Ann Archy
(Abortion is the Human Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
To: Tempest
Disgusting. This guy is a gutter rat and I can't believe FREEPERS are blinded by his fraud as a conservative. The problem is that he will show himself as President and we will suffer from the FREEPERS complaining that he is not the Conservative he sold us..............FREEPERS NEVER LEARN. I thought this was FINALLY the no RINO time. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To: South40
Rick Perry damage control will be here soon.
8 posted on
09/05/2011 5:03:58 PM PDT by
(I will be the one to say I told you so.)
To: Tempest
Tempest in a Li’l Teapot Alert!
Coming up next on Tempest TV: Perry wouldn’t share swing at recess!!!
10 posted on
09/05/2011 5:04:52 PM PDT by
(You know, 99.99999965% of the lawyers give all of them a bad name)
To: Tempest
13 posted on
09/05/2011 5:06:45 PM PDT by
I see my hands
(Keep your sunny side up!)
To: Tempest
Perry was lobbying the Mexican government to allow Texas insurance providers permission to sell policies in Mexico.
How horrible!
15 posted on
09/05/2011 5:08:38 PM PDT by
(Keynesians take the stand that the best way to sober up is more booze.)
To: Tempest
17 posted on
09/05/2011 5:08:51 PM PDT by
(A vote for Amnesty is a vote for a Permenant Democrat majority. ..Choose well.)
To: Tempest
To: Tempest
19 posted on
09/05/2011 5:09:44 PM PDT by
I see my hands
(Keep your sunny side up!)
To: Tempest
22 posted on
09/05/2011 5:14:13 PM PDT by
(It's the Donner-Reed show!)
To: Tempest
That was a long tme ago. Dont you need to wash your car or something ?
To: Tempest
Obama signed a National healthcare bill and wants Bi-National merger with Mexico. Let us not lose sight of who the real threat to the future of this country is my friend! Amigo! :-)
To: Tempest
The Perry August 2001 speech linked within the article you posted is icky (and I am not a Perry basher). I’d like to know if Perry defenders have explanations for the proposals in that speech (support for illegals, NAFTA, etc)
30 posted on
09/05/2011 5:20:08 PM PDT by
(Cooperating with Obama = helping him extend the depression and implement socialism.)
To: Tempest
I suspected as soon as I saw something posted about Perry6 ten years ago that it had been posted by one of the Dem’s best friends on FR, ... Tempest ... yup. Doing your level best to help Zero get re-elected, eh?
31 posted on
09/05/2011 5:20:28 PM PDT by
((Praying for our troops, our citizens, that the Bible and Freedom become basis of the US law again))
To: Tempest
Nice to see you post an article that paints Perry in a positive light for a change.
You did read it and understand it, didn't you?
Or, did you just see "Perry" and "Mexico" in the same headline over at the DUmp and decide to run it over here to post it and see if you could get things stirred up again?
37 posted on
09/05/2011 5:25:16 PM PDT by
(Sheesh. Go away and stay away Newt.)
To: Tempest
Perry endorsed a STUDY. end of story.
38 posted on
09/05/2011 5:25:21 PM PDT by
(OPINIONS ~ $ 1.00 HALFBAKED ~ 50c)
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