Look at the timeframes here. That letter was sent to the health-care *task force*... which meant that Hillarycare didn’t yet exist. He was trying to influence what would later come out.
He doesn’t have a record of endorsing the cr@p that eventually came out of the task force.
For me, I am just trying to get facts on candidates. I am amazed at the latitude that is given for this letter on this thread. Perhaps he has changed his position, and it was a long time ago, but I am sorry, I don’t like the letter; I never liked HIllarycare...not when it was being discussed in illegal closed session task force meetings or when it was being discussed openly in Congress. I didn’t like it and did not think ti was worthy or commendable. Period...
...He said her efforts were commendable and her efforts are worthy...I need to find more info about that and info that he did not support National Healthcare ....I am working on it, but I have been rather busy defending my comments here from some Perry supporters....
Sorry, but no way would I have ever sent a letter saying something along those lines of what he said...
I would have said I have the following concerns, and then launched into how Canadian system doesn’t work, how there are free-market solutions, etc.
I am not saying this is the deal-breaker for Perry, but I want to learn more about his past to determine if I think he would govern conservatively and effectively.