Berlin's 110 mile wall worked. Israel's 500 mile wall works well. China's 31,000 mile Great Wall did it's job. Yeah, better to waste $$$ on welfare, health care, food, education, housing, garbage disposal, road traffic, pollution, courts, prisons, potable water, and jobs those lazy Americans don't want, huh.
It’s about fence DESIGN but they never mention this.
Berlin's wall and Israel's wall worked because they're relatively short in length, and the political will to enforce what the wall represented was not lacking.
China's 'Ten thousand mile wall', as they call it, did not work over the course of it's two thousand year history, despite the will to use it. It was too long to defend, expensive to build and man, there were ways around it, and in the long run, relentless offense always beats a strong defense.
An American wall would be thousands of miles long, and ultimately be manned by American governments that don't have the will of the East Germans, Israelis or feudal Chinese.
There's better ways to get rid of illegals, and it's cracking down on the business that hire them, tightening down on IDs, and generally making it more attractive for them to go back to Mexico than stay here.
Go on the offense against the incentive. Raising the bar to get to the incentive is a losing game.
No, you just put that money to boots on the ground.
A fence won’t work. You still need boots on the ground even with a fence or else the fence is nothing more than a fake obstacle.
A fence is a moronic waste of money. I’m surprised there’s this many people on FR that would support something that dumb and ineffective.
A wall wouldn't work! why build one?