Exactly! Where is Mr. Suntan Man [Boehner] when these Black Caucus race hustlers run around the country committing serial hate crimes? All Real Americans should bear in mind that the season and sudden acceptability of this imcendiary hate speech began during the 2008 campaign, when, inter alia, the undocumented primitive from Nairobi [a]referred to his own grandmother as a typical white woman; [b]spoke of bitter white people, cowering in their basements, clinging to their guns and their Bibles, and on and on and on. Andre and his ilk in the congress and elsewhere throughout the race hustling milieu are simply playing monkey see, monkey do. They are also playing with fire.
He's enjoying his lifetime appointment for not rocking the boat.
Why should the dims oppose him when he gets along so well?
Why should the repugs oppose him when they know he can win?
We NEED TERM LIMITS, just to keep them honest!