Advisor: Look, you sorry, Kenyan-born, Anti-American Communist piece of garbage: If youd stop eating soft ice cream, stop riding your dorky-nerd bike, and stop playin freaking golf every five minutes, MAYbe this country wouldnt be up a creek without a paddle, right now. Theres an earthquake in DC and I can find about YOU on the news is that IT MESSED UP ONE OF YOUR GOLF SHOTS. Un-flippin-believable. Between your bowing to foreign dictators, installing the Muslim Brotherhood in formerly secular Middle-Eastern countries, trying to cut Israel off at the knees, taxing us more and OBLIGATING US TO TRILLIONS MORE IN NEW DEBT..... the country is MUCH worse off than you found it. Its almost like you are TRYING to destroy America. WHAT is wrong with you, O-Trauma? Jeez! And I havent even started with the list of the messed up stuff youve been pushing. Theres the fact that Americas credit rating plummeted, and your response is to investigate Standard and Poor. Then Operation Fast and Furious, in which you attempt to get support for gun control by making it seem like American guns are in Mexico. Then theres Obamacare, a monstrosity I hope we never have to live under. Every one of your proposals, hurts America. You are the worst waste of oxygen walking on two legs, much less worst President...... and that, sir, is the State of the Economy.
Obama: Right.
But needs more f-bombs and s-words.