Report coming in of buildings swaying are now are being reported up to 1000 miles from the epicenter...A 6 range quake doing this seems a little odd.
The New Madrid Quake range church bells as far away as Boston.
If true you’re right. There seems to be an element of overreaction in the reporting so we’ll see.
He also said not one felt in that region like that since 1895.
Rove testing his weather and earthquake machine, preparing for Sarah’s announcement.
Both zones run pretty much north / south fron the NC border into Maryland.
In the VA Piedmont, these high-strain zones are Reverse and strike-slip ductile high-strain zones of Taconic to Alleghanian age (~450- ~300 Ma). Many of these ancint faults were reactivated during Mesozoic geologic period.
Ancient faults that have slowed but, still can store a lot of energy of eons as the earth's crust is still dynamic. An