Rewarding invaders? That’s okay with you?
>> “Rewarding invaders? Thats okay with you?” <<
Its ok with casinva, commendable even.
I did not even give my own opinion on this in-state tuition issue. I have not made any firm conclusions myself what I think of it, so please use some discipline by not telling me what is OK with me or not. I do not feel qualified at this point to know all the legal issues or ramifications. However, I do not feel I need to jump on the bandwagon saying this is dangerous or senseless or just completely wrong either.
As I study this issue, I am glad to see these are not just random illegals that are busting into the country getting a free ride. These are young adults who, as soon as they are of age to make an adult decision, request American citizenship, go through the same hard process any immigrant desiring citizenship goes through, and who works hard to pass all the citizenship requirements.
I hear so many people say one sentence about something of the other (of ALL the candidates) and say “nuff said”. Well no issue is so small that one sentence is ever “nuff said”. “Nuff said” remarks scare people and cause them to just take misinformation as information or get scared out of their wits for no reason.
I forgive you for trying to label me as you did, for yes, I DO have some empathy to children who had no control over what their parents did but who wanted to do the right thing themselves. However, I will continue to do my best to provide information to others who may not know everything involved in the hopes that they will dig further into the subject and get more information for themselves. I gave information you may not have wanted to be public because it muddies up your point of view, but as far as I’m concerned, people knowing it ALL is much better than being a simplistic know-it-all who can put their beliefs, values, and concerns into one little sentence or thought. Nuff said?