“Is Door Closed on Palin?”
Nope. Romney needs her to split votes with Bachmann, Cain and to a lesser degree, Perry. Without Palin splitting that vote, no way Romney wins the nomination.
Cain's not getting any votes, and neither will Bachmann. Don't fall for the polling, she's a placeholder candidate who runs behind two candidates (Palin and Perry) who aren't even in the race yet.
and to a lesser degree, Perry
Perry in the race hurts Romney more than it helps him. It's either Romney or Perry vs. Palin, and I can't see how Romney edges out Perry on that score.
Nope, Govin Palin wins the nomination and is Sworn in as the first woman President of the USA in Jan 2013.
Wild eyes,Romney and Perry will not know what hit them
Palin is the vote.
All the others are splits, injected solely to attempt to weaken the real candidate.