One gal with four kids and a nutcase for a husband was taken under the wing of a couple (conservative)in our church. They helped her get a GED and took her to a community college to speak with a counselor, introduced her to he Pell Grant program. From then on she took off, good grades, on to nearby university for a BS and today is a highly regarded nurse. Her husband is still a leech.
Perhaps the program has changed, but I agree, Pell grants have changed many lives—including my husband’s ;)
He used it for his B.S.—now he has PhD and we have put 3 thru college with no student loans tho they did get merit scholarships or academic scholarships.
1 is working on PhD, another, finished M.S. and working for major tech firm doing wonderfully., and one 3rd year of B.S. in nursing...
Good use of funds.