Any real BBA would require the end of baseline budgeting
If it fails in the Senate or the President vetoes it,then it is no longer the House’s responsibility.
Adding a BBA guarantees failure in the Senate.
Beohner can eat sh*t and die (spelling is stupid). I’m so over the GOP. They have to come to us.
Does anyone know the name of the House Dem who has alredy introduced “The Reid plan” in the House?
I heard this in discussion today. I didn’t recognize the name.
A balanced budget amemdment is useless. Fat lot of good it did for California.
Balanced budgets for 20 years won’t reduce the National Debt ONE RED CENT.
The S word.
Surplus. We need Surplus budgets.
none of these tools have an ounce of *principle* in their bones...well except for the socialist/commies in BOTH parties...
this perpetual adding and changing things to suit a demographic percentage point is CYA at its finest...NOT *service* or *representation*...
dog-N-pony-kabuki to keep their own gravy train rollin, nothing more...oH WAIT !!! 'the numbers' say i can flip my vote today, yeah, now i can *say* i voted a certain direction to help my perpetual re-election campaign...
gutless and annoying...