Why did Hitler do what he did?
Why did Stalin do what he did?
Why did Mussolini do what he did?
Why did Castro do what he is doing?
Why is Chavez do what he is doing?
Why did Mugabe do what he did and is doing?
Why did Mao do what he did?
Why did Pol Pot do what he did?
Why did Che do what he did?
Why did Caesar do what he did?
Why did Genghis Khan do what he did?
Great and small they all were seeking something and it looked ugly. Nothing new here. The world has always had and has tyrants.
To be remembered in history as the worst ever? The most powerful of all?
This is the battle between good and evil.
Mankind seems to be easily deceived ... over and over, since the garden of Eden. People do not learn.
God has given us His Word. It tells us how to live and please Him. It is not onerous. Let us do whateveer it is we do for the glory of God.
Rather many and even most follow the wiles of Satan. Never realizing that is what they are doing. Some do and do it anyway.
Until we turn to God, change our life and live according to His instructions, we will have destruction, hate, wars, disease, and other tribulations. Until the great day comes when Christ comes again.
We keep focusiong on how to have the good life when our government is looking to end the good life and make the whole world except for them (elite) a third world global society.
Choose who you will serve, good or evil, blessing or cursing, and life or death. Choose life.
We show our love of God by obeying/following His commands.
Praise God, honor God, love God, love our neighbor and do good to him. He loes those who seek Him and will bless them.
This is how I see it.