Additionally the police had a crime to detain him on so they should have charged him with that, they did not need the stop and identify, they had a crime (tresspassing).
Agreed, they had the crime. This individual has simply refused to comply with a very reasonable request, simply "What is your name?". Now, having been arrested, the police have the right to search his person - apparently this man carries no identification in his wallet, or multiple pieces of identification. Until he identifies himself - he is a ward of the state. It's very likely that he can walk free very soon after he cooperates with this request. The police are proably sick of taking his crap - if he doesn't want to give his name, then he can cool his heels in prison until he rots. I'm fine with that; provided that AS SOON as he gives his name, he's processed and released for whatever his offenses are.
My issue is this; if an illegal is apprehended committing a crime; and refuses to give his name - how do we determine whether he is a US citizen, or in the country illegally? If he's here illegally, and refuses to give his name; not only does he leave a 'free man'; the fact that he was caught 'x' times committing a crime, is not part of his record. He is therefore 'better' than anyone else. If I steal something, I have a record. If I get a record for committing a crime; then I demand that everyone get the same treatment as I get; no more, no less.