Posted on 07/24/2011 3:32:16 PM PDT by pabianice
San Diego- In a highly unusual move, the Navy secretary has stripped a Silver Star awarded to a retired captain and Vietnam swift boat veteran who is serving a federal prison sentence after admitting to child pornography.
Navy Secretary Ray Mabus revoked the Silver Star, the nation's third-highest valor award, which was awarded nearly 20 years ago to retired Capt. Wade Sanders of San Diego.
A spokeswoman for Mabus confirmed the secretary's decision, which he made in August 2010 following a review and recommendation by the Navy Department Board of Medals and Decorations. "Mabus signed a memorandum in which he revoked the previously awarded Silver Star," said Capt. Pamela Kunze.
"Had the subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself been known to the Secretary of the Navy in 1992, those facts would have prevented the award of the Silver Star," Kunze said.
Sanders, a former deputy assistant Navy secretary rose to prominence seven years ago as a swift boat veteran who supported the 2004 presidential candidacy of Sen. John Kerry, D.Mass.
Sanders in 2008 pleaded guilty to one count of possessing child pornography after an FBI investigation led to his San Diego home and the discovery of pornographic videos on his computers. He received a 37-month sentence as part of a plea deal; he has maintained he isn't a pedophile and was researching the subject for a book he planned to write.
It's not clear whether Sanders conviction played a role in him losing his Silver Star.
The Navy declined to release a copy of the memo, which Mabus addressed to the chief of naval personnel, who in turn would be responsible for the administrative actions to pull the award from official naval records.
Kunze would not say who or what prompted the review of Sanders Silver Star, nor would she say what new information had surfaced about the Silver Star.
"Additional information was brought to light after 1992," she said. "Those facts could have prevented the award of the Silver Star at that time."
She gave no specific reasons as to how Mabus or the board came to their conclusion.
The sole authority for revoking a medal rests with the service secretary, according to Chapter 2 of the Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual. _________________ Terry Boone PCF 90 Qui Nhon 68-69
I belive this guy is the only swifty — or maybe one of two — who stood as a character witness for John F. Kerry’s claims against the “Swiftboaters” who said Kerry was full of it.
Geez. Liberals are a bunch of sicko bass turds. People in this country are doing a lot of sick things these days but I still think child pornography is the sickest of the sick. We are ruining and destroying our children.
Kerry´s pal....
It had to tear Mabus apart to have to do that, I guarantee he didn’t want to.
Mabus is scum, leftist scum. Kerry, Murtha, Sanders, those are Mabus’ heroes. Mabus loves what tears down our military. The SOB is dirt.
(Jaz, you think the list might want to see this, considering what Mabus has done to Frank and our Marines?)
More than that - Sanders compared the Swift Boat veterans who opposed Kerry to Nazis. He was reputedly under consideration to become Secretary of Defense in the Kerry Administration. Now we discover, while Sanders serves a jail sentence for child pornography, that he also manufactured his own Silver Star.
How did this guy get the silver star in 1992? What was he supposed to have done and when did he do it?
Swift Boat veterans ping.
Like the fact that Kerry fled under fire leaving a disabled boat and wounded men behind and none of his crew said a word.
Kerry should be keel hauled.
Seems statements which Wade made, were proved false and he could give not one witnesses to back his statements, nor remember any one involved.
So, does he keep the bronze ?
That's not entirely accurate. A complete analysis of that engagement can be found here:
To Set The Record Straight Chapter 10: An Incident on the Bay Hap River
This whole business is beyond bizarre.
My first reaction, on seeing the headline, was that, child porn or no child porn, if he earned his silver star then he deserved to keep it. That was then, and this was now.
But evidently he didn't earn it.
Maybe Mabus should take back Kerry's Purple Heart while he's at it.
Clinton wasn’t President in 1992—he was elected in November but didn’t take office until January 1993. Maybe he got the Bronze Star in 1992.
Like Johnny Edwards, who hasn’t been mentioned near Kerry since the story broke.
Where TF is Brian Ross ?
Here’s another salient question: did the Captain lose his military pension when he was convicted on kiddie porn charges? A federal conviction is supposed to bring an end to any federal pension benefits the individual is receiving.
Sadly, I can probably answer that question with a “no.” There are several former officers who’ve run afoul of the law and managed to hang onto their pensions. At the top of the list is Vietnam fighter ace Randy “Duke” Cunningham, convicted of bribery while serving in Congress a few years ago. And, if I’m not mistake, The Duke retained not only his military pension (as a retired Navy Commander) but his Congressional retirement as well.
Mabus could send a real signal by stripping the perv of his Navy retirement. Losing the medal is an embarrassment; taking away his pension would send a clear signal to everyone who wants to retain their military retirement benefits.
I must correct you friend, he stood as a “character witness” (so to speak) for Senaturd Kerry.
If you want to read an indictment of Kerry’s friends, read “Reckless Endangerment.” The guy he wanted as his Treasury Secretary, Jim Johnson, is the guy who trashed Fannie Mae.
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