He doesn't enforce much of anything much less invasion laws. This Texan would NOT like to see him in the race. He's as RINO as they come. All talk and wimpy in action. You think the GOP caves too much now, he's basically another McLame. The only time he's conservative is right before an election, then he quickly slides back into RAT mode.
If he is as RINO as they come and we already know how RINO McCain is, and we know that Palin endorsed and campaigned for both of them, then where are we? That would make Palin either somewhat aligned with them or a “politics as usual” game player. I think all of them are fantastically better than Obama and would be thrilled to pieces to see President Palin, Perry, Cain, Santorum, Pawlenty, Bachman, etc. The Supreme Court is on the line.