It is not Christianity which has failed, but the European people, in thrall to materialistism and socialism. Meanwhile, the Gospel spreads in East Asia, Africa, and elsewhere. “For the last shall be first, and the first last.”
It is not Christianity which has failed, but the European people, in thrall to materialistism and socialism. Meanwhile, the Gospel spreads in East Asia, Africa, and elsewhere. For the last shall be first, and the first last.”
Which would you say would be the most important, belief or behavior?
The Gospel spreads in East Asia -- in China, S. Korea, but in China Buddhism and Islam too are spreading, at a lower rate, but still spreading. In Japan, the people are Shinto, Christian, Buddhist etc. they are basically athiestic -- Shinto for birth, Christian for the wedding and Buddhist for death...
In Africa Islam too is spreading just as quickly...