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To: MestaMachine

“Paul Ryan is now being analyzed frame-by-frame by the intelligence agencies of the world.”

No, but I would imagine his style would be evaluated. Hussain is toast as far as a head of state.

149 posted on 07/13/2011 6:13:17 PM PDT by Chickensoup (The right to bear arms is proved to prevent totalitarian genocide.)
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To: Chickensoup

Nah. It was a mistake in the doc’s essay. He meant to say balack obama.

154 posted on 07/13/2011 6:16:59 PM PDT by MestaMachine (Guns don't kill people, the obama administration does. (Gunwalker Ping List))
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To: Chickensoup
It actually said this:

"That C-SPAN shot of Obama’s sudden expression of rage when he couldn’t answer Paul Ryan is now being analyzed frame-by-frame by the intelligence agencies of the world."

Yes, that is EXACTLY what is happening right now. I would say, watch for a North Korean or Chinese provocation in East Asia in the next few days or weeks. They know this guy is unraveling and now is the time for a military/territorial or international financial provocation-with-inpunity to challenge the United States of America. The thing is, I am sure psych profile specialists -- if they are honest with themselves -- within the DIA, CIA, other entitities within the Pentagon, have the conclusions too. God Save Our Nation. We are in for some rough times. I also say, watch the "executive orders" very closely, particularly as pertain to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, talk radio broadcasting and right to bear arms.

This buzzard is going to snap back in narcissistic rage, and it aint gonna be purdy....

In terms of who is playing the closest attention, I would rate these guys [Anita Dunn's friends] at the top, including their nest of operatives in D.C. taking this thing apart from top to bottom no doubt as we speak:

164 posted on 07/13/2011 6:35:57 PM PDT by AmericanInTokyo (At this point, just about ANYBODY except Romney, Pawlenty, Paul, Huntsman would be OK w/me...)
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