I would put my money on she’s not going to run;
The Fox News people, Bill OReilly and others dont think so.
Why? Because he and the others get her on their shows since she is a Fox New Contributor under contract. They know what she is available to talk about, what she can and cannot talk about, what issues she has little depth or greater depth about commenting. I would guess she has some pretty big holes in that reportroire, one of which was mentioned as foreign policy.
Frankly speaking if Perry gets in we dont need a Palin.
Perry has a few policy negatives, but is a true blue conservative even though Palin has no policy negatives.
You did address 'all', so what does Perry have that Palin does NOT.... NOT saying I have a horse in this so called race, because I have NO clue what Palin intends to do. MY issue with Sarah is IF she knows what a loser/user lord McCain was/is and IF she will keep him out of her chariot. I really do not know enough about Perry to know if he is yet little more than a random all about himself politician. We have had more than enough liberalism to darn near sink this nation and I have yet to see any distinguishing features demonstrated by this guy Perry. I am very leery of a Texan governor from previous experience.
open borders perry? perry who worked algore’s ‘88 campaign? that’s conservative now is it?
Yep. And that made such a big difference this last election, didn't it?
Well, the last Texas governor made a terrible President, so I’m not anxious to see another one. Esp. with his dismal record on illegal immigration. Plus, he’s another internationalist. YES, we DO need Gov. Palin. Bob
Well, Obama wasn't too hot either, after all he chose Plugs as VP to get his foreign policy skills !!!