Hey I think in heart they were Texans, but you are the one that started besmirching my ancestors for the Alamo defeat.
I just wanted you to understand that while they may have been Texans in their hearts, they were Kentuckians who had families back home and planned on returning if they did not die. So they would have died Kentuckians even if they lived to be 100.
My ancestors died Texans in Texas long after the war was won.
“but you are the one that started besmirching my ancestors for the Alamo defeat.”
Only after you started besmirching me and my fellow living, breathing Californians for the defeat of our state at the hands of the same enemy.
When did Austin lead settlers into Texas 1820ish? And the Battle of the Alamo was 1836? Seems to me no one fighting at the Alamo had been in Texas very long accept the Spanish that sided with Texas against Mexico.
Gotta love those brave Kentuckyans. (see tagline)