Everyone read, And the Band Played On. Very honest by an author that ended up dying of Aids.
The easiest way to get AIDS is through anal sex. Which explains it’s prevalence in certain groups.
But the WHO reprts that it’s only a 1 in 100 chance. So it takes some work.
However, the last I heard, AIDS has had no effect on the life expectancy of homosexuals.
They should have been locked up in hospital wards. I was, about that time, with TB. I couldn’t get out, until they finally determined that I was atypical, probably got it from gardening, and was not contagious. 9 months. Lost my apartment, my job, and all my possessions.
They threatened to hit the blood banks and contaminate the blood supply if certain legislation they were against was passed in California.
So now we keep them alive longer with expensive drugs so they can infect more people, all the while not daring to condemn their lifestyle.
Duesberg was right. But there’s too many $$$$ involved to admit the obvious.
I did not read the article. My son acquired AIDS about 10 years ago. He was on the “streets” less than a year when, he didn’t acquire HIV+, but full blown AIDS.
He was immediately started on HAART, the high powered drug regimen at tax payer expence.
He will be on those drugs for the rest of his life. He was about 22yrs old. Life expectancy, mid-50’s.
Ten years ago those drugs were costing about $45,000/yr.
Go figure: $45,000/yr; for approx 30yrs at taxpayer expense; for a behavior he has chosen for himself.
Hello Obamacare and preferencial treatment for this segment of society.
He gave up the Gay Lifestyle while he thought he was dying.
Now, knowing the drugs will give him a near normal lifespan, he is lost to us.
Multiply my son by the thousands........
I am still his mother, and I still love my son, but this is reality.
thanks to the “gay” community we started with one case in the US and now have millions, but hey, they must have gay marriage.
For the real story:
AIDs ?? Thanks Fags you filthy scumbags, brought it in here.
This means that older people, like women once were, have been relatively free from AIDS.
I was working in a small hospital at the time.. an obviously gay news reader was admitted because he was sick..as I took his history I had no doubt it was AIDS ..it was the first case we had seen.. as I went to report this to the head nurse his doctor was standing near by .. he was furious I had the nerve to even think such a thing.. 3 months later the death notice was in the paper..