You are so right. Sociopaths, narcissists, pathological liars are all very uncreative actually because they are predictable to any who understand or have experienced people with those sick traits. And they are "sick" mentally. I am sorry people made fun of you, because you are spot on in saying they are so similar. Casey Anthony, while despicable and nauseating to normal thinking people, is understandable when you realize that her psyche is so screwed by her narcissistic, sociopathic condition. It is like knowing how a rabid animal will act when you see one. You know, when you see an animal with foam at the mouth, running craily...that animal is to be feared and will attack. The signs are all there.
So it is with a sociopath/narcissist/pathological liar...they all act the same, they all have that hollow look in their eyes, they all tell lies upon lies, they all get exceptionally angry when challenged, and they all have absolutely no real love or empathy for other human beings, including their own families. They all think they do not have to follow rules and are above the law or any form of supervision. They live in their own fog and are only focused on doing what they want, no matter who they hurt or who suffers as a result. They have no remorse, ever.