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Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty of 1st-Degree Murder, Acquitted of Manslaughter in Daughter's Death
| July 5, 2011
| Staff
Posted on 07/05/2011 7:27:58 AM PDT by freebird5850
Morning all, didn't see a thread for today so I created one.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: acquittal; anthony; bag; beautifullife; bellavita; casey; caseyanthony; caseynotguilty; caylee; chadgatejury; crime; ducttape; epicfail; evilwalksfree; fixisin; floriduh; gatorbait; guiltyonallcounts; herecomesthetvmovie; herecomethebooks; killerwalks; latetermabortion; liberaljury; murder; notguilty; oj2; ojjury; ojjurymovestoflorida; orlandoflorida; speedyjustice; swamp; tattoo; tattoobellavita; thepartygirlwalks; trial; trunk; verdict
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To: CitizenM
Why would the mother lie to the four or so officers they convicted her of lying to, if she didnt have anything to hide?
Unfortunately, and classically, the sign of a pathological liar is that they lie when there is no reason to do so. They have no ability to differentiate between telling a truth and a lie. In their lies, there is often a grain of truth, but they build a made up story around it. They purposely muddy up the waters so that they can never be accused of anything, let alone something as grave as murder. Having lived with a pathological liar, who was also a narcissist, I know that it is impossible to explain their reasons for lying other than to say it is a mental dysfunction. Half the time they don't even realize they are lying. They just say what comes into their mind at the time to achieve whatever goal they have at the moment. When confronted with their lies they often become very confrontational. If they suspect anyone of lying to or about them, they go ballistic. Casey Anthony displays all the signs of the most severe case of being a pathological liar and a narcissist. But, in the murder of her daughter...she was not proved guilty...because the defense just could not put her at the scene, with the murder weapon (tape/chloroform) and at the time of her death.
Having lived with several people like this myself, I recognize the classic symptoms, although I couldn't speak to what actually makes a person a pathological liar by definition in total. It's unfortunate, but there are times when parents are so comfortable acting in this manner, that children adopt the same behavior. Yes, they lie when it would there would be no down-side of actually telling the truth. Yes they lie when it can be proven in an instant without a shaddow of a doubt, that they are lying. I had one person in the household tell me they hadn't taken some things that they were actually sporting at the moment they made the claim, and everyone else was looking at the proof as they uttered those words. It defies logic for a rational person to comprehend why they do it, or how they thought they could get away with it.
I think the investigators did not strongly and deeply enough follow the trail of how that child died, which I believe was truly an "accident" as Casey claimed. It is my feeling Caylee's death took place when Casey took her to be used in a very immoral way as described by that woman, Wendy. I think there is a ring of perverted people engaged in sexual use of children in the area and that Casey is hooked up with them in some way and has made money from offering her daughter. Chloroform and duct tape were probably used on Caylee to keep her quiet, and from remembering the horrid experience. Too much chloroform, or long enough covering of duct tape to stop her breathing, could have resulted in her death...and, Casey described it as a "accident."
Okay, lets go with that thought for a moment. Isn't that child abuse? She was aquitted of that. She was also aquitted of actions that resulted in a death that included child abuse.
If the jurors wanted to go that route, then fine. Convict on these lessor offenses, but don't take a pass on convicting on any of the greater counts.
Not wanting her parents or anyone to know of her activities in pimping out her daughter for such perverted benefit...she did not mention Caylee's absence to her parents for a month, and then made up a variety of stories. Anything but the truth. Long enough for the body of her daughter to decompose in the plastic bag in the swamp. Once fully decomposed...the evidence of any sexual abuse was gone. Now she can say she did not actually "murder" her daughter, and in actuality she is not lying. And because the investigators never pursued anything other than finding or proving Casey guilty of murder, the real story of how Caylee died will never be known unless someone else who was involved in pimping out children speaks up.
I'm not really buying into this defense. IMO the mom didn't want to be tied down. She killed the kid and went out celebrating afterwards. Once the kid was dead, she was free to live the good life again. She even got a tattoo to celebrate her new "good life". If a kid merely dies by accident, don't you feel guilt? Sure. You feel remorse because you didn't really mean for the kid to die. You wanted to use them, but you didn't want to kill them. In a twisted way, you tell yourself that you're actually doing this for the kid too, because you'll have more money to spend on the kid. That's how twisted people think. They don't go out and celebrate that the kid is gone. That's what this mom did. She got a commemorative tattoo to herald the passing into a new life-style, a better life, a return to 'the good life'. She was a teenager all over again. "I'm freeeeeeeee...."
Had the police pursued that possibility...had they worked to find an underground ring of perverts who pimp children, use chloroform to keep them from remembering, and duct tape to keep them quiet...I think the charges against Casey for Child Endangerment, Accessory to a Crime, Child Abuse, and similar could have been brought and Casey would have been found guilty.
I appreciate the alternative view here, but it doesn't really work for me. If you're going to be entering into this type of ring, then you know people who have done it and are going to tell you exactly what to do to facilitate it. She wouldn't have to go look things up. People would be only too willing to give her all the information she needed. The very fact that she was looking up this information, makes it rather clear to me that she was not involved in this type of activity.
In addition, you wouldn't need to delve into the topic of broken necks. You only do that if you're trying to figure out the best way to facilitate one. This is not germane to pimping your child out for sex. It just makes no sense at all. Once again, it makes the idea that she was pimping her daughter out for sex, to be a preposterous line of reasoning from the get go. I'm not saying that to put you down, but rather to make my case.
posted on
07/05/2011 2:10:01 PM PDT
(Muslim Brotherhood (renames itself) the Liberty and Justice Party. NOT A JOKE.)
To: screaminsunshine
Explain why Caylee was missing for 31 days rotting in the woods, with duct tape on her mouth while Casey was lying about it and making up a fictitious nanny.
Also explain the internet searches for neck breaking and chloroform, which the mom lied about to protect her daughter. Common sense needs to enter the picture at some point.
And don’t give your stupid, idiotic, and LAUGHABLE explanation that “Neck Breakers” is a band she was looking up. What a fool.
posted on
07/05/2011 2:11:17 PM PDT
Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
(Dear Lord, Please judge Barack Hussein Obama for betraying Israel, and not the whole nation. Amen.)
To: DoughtyOne
You are welcome. Somewhere down the line, Miss Casey will be caught.
posted on
07/05/2011 2:11:17 PM PDT
(Give me back my conservative vote; then find me a real conservative to vote for)
To: ngat
Media template. Bungled investigation, No evidence, What you posed was the media template but not proven in court. HLN now out trying to incite their mob to violence. Next they will try to blame the jury or anything else that does not fit their deranged mental state. Lynch Mob mentality.
To: jarofants
To: kcvl
I agree. If they are indeed celebrating, that is truly despicable! I keep looking at my little girl, of whom is just about the age that little Caylee was when she was murdered and I could just cry.
This little girl was thrown away and left in a field to rot and be picked upon by the animals and bugs. Nobody deserves that fate! Her P.O.S. mother admits to knowing how she died,I for one would like to hear the explanation regarding how that little girl's body ended up in that horrible place in that horrible manner. What, did the meter reader come pick it up and deliver it there for her? Just sad on so many levels!
To: freekitty
posted on
07/05/2011 2:12:22 PM PDT
La Enchiladita
(It should be illegal for illegals to play with matches... just sayin'...)
To: AppyPappy
Aim that gun at Casey, not the jury.That jury wasn't fit to order dinner. Just look at their descriptions. Low level criminals, at least two who said "only God should judge," and at least half who vehemently opposed the death penalty.
To: Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
Well we can kiss off circumstantial cases forever if we have to have absolute proof of a murder. Scott Peterson is on death row with a lot of less evidence. In Peterson's trial there was no decomposed hair, no odor in the car, no evidense at the scene of the remains that tied every single object to the Anthony household, no DNA, no fingerprints, etc.
IMO, this jury did not do it's duty, they were in a RUSH to go home. Afterall, one of them had scheduled a vacation for July 7th! Guess she'll make her trip.
“”My serious question to you would, or will you, be willing to offer Casey Marie Anthony a job or a room?””
Or perhaps hire her as a NANNY?
To: WhyisaTexasgirlinPA
I could muster up a smidgeon of respect for them if they managed to cut her out of their lives. She won’t need to bleed them of $ now that shel’ll be a celeb with plenty ready to pay to hear from her.
To: buccaneer81
And two of the jurors are Verizon Wireless representatives..makes me want to switch to T-Mobile..oh and don’t forget the high school gym teacher who the media claimed was so darn bright..figures..Government employees
To: longtermmemmory
to everyone REMEMBER THIS NEXT time you recieve a jury duty summons....
Good advice. It should be our #1 takeaway from this fiasco.
To: Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
I will leave that up to you since you appear to know. I do not. That is the point. Neither did the jury. Can you not understand that simple concept? Case not proven. Not Guilty that is pretty simple. Even with that horrible lawyer I have heard everyone say was so bad. Unanimous Not Guilty. Good God you people are insane.
To: Windcatcher
Negligent manslaughter might have had a chance, but she wasnt charged with that. Even then, they would have to have proved negligence. Not reporting her missing isnt sufficient to prove that. Well, not reporting a 2 year old missing for a month, while you go out partying in the mean time, pretty much fits my definition of negligence - at the very least. Later finding the child dead, buried and wrapped in a garbage bag pretty much proves the concept. Not to mention that we live in a world where people are arrested for leaving children alone in their own cars for five minutes. So how this escaped - at the very least, not counting anything else - negligent manslaughter is, to my way of thinking, a legal atrocity.
But that's just me.
posted on
07/05/2011 2:15:45 PM PDT
(History will show the Illuminati won the ultimate Darwin Award.)
To: Mrs. Frogjerk
Casey Anthony: Echoes of OJ Simpson For Veteran Trial Watchers
And after the not guilty verdict form Florida in the Casey Anthony case, we haven’t seen this much public outrage over a the jury’s allegedly shortsighted decision since a man named O.J. Simpson was widely believed to have gotten away with murder right here in L.A. even though he was acquitted in the stabbing deaths of ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman.
Even TMZ lawyer-in-residence Harvey Levin, who covered that crazy O.J. trial in 1995, tweeted:
having covered OJ Simpson ... nothing really shocks me anymore. but this verdict really surprises me....especially how quickly it came
posted on
07/05/2011 2:15:52 PM PDT
To: freebird5850
I wonder if she will go live with her dad, the child molester.
To: La Enchiladita
posted on
07/05/2011 2:16:16 PM PDT
(Give me back my conservative vote; then find me a real conservative to vote for)
To: jarofants
Did u see how quick Papa George and Mama Cindy ran out of that room..they were probably thinking “gotta go home and change all the locks..” they didn’t want her to get the death penalty but they sure as hell didn’t want her walking off scott free..they know Casey is gonna kill them both next
To: kcvl
AMEN! I couldn’t agree more! If one of my kids did this, I’d throw their stuff out to the front yard in garbage bags and deny I ever gave birth to them!
And God help us if this is an indication of our sick justice system. Reminds me of O.J.
A pox on ALL of them!
posted on
07/05/2011 2:17:39 PM PDT
(For the first time in my adult life I FEAR my government.)
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