They should start showing pics of damaged sphincters (like they want to do with butts...pun intended) and the consequences of such.
Today’s yardstick for morality is a favorable response to a CNN online poll.
Pat Buchanan’s isolationism and antipathy toward Israel cooled my interest in his columns some time ago. However, I agree with Buchanan on this one and admire the clear and concise manner in which he presents the issue of the normalization and, recently, the celebration of homosexual behavior in America ans what that portends for all of use.
Tolerating homosexuality and its wickedness is inviting the judgment of God on the nation - read GENESIS Chapter 19.
“And, together, we will chase the purveyors of sex and violence back beneath the rocks whence they came.”
You would have made a fine President Mr. Buchanan.
Morality is respected by all those that are or want to be considered moral.
Those who are not hate their moral attitude.
The best thing for a moral person is to practice (as well as state his ideals) “when asked”.
If one claims to be moral and goes on a vendetta to destroy those that he does not agree with, he becomes as bad as them.
Let your actions speak for you.
Express your opinion (when asked) without vitriol and vile.
Let the immoral creatures create the issues and cause their own strife and ultimately suffer the consequences in the long term.