The girlfriend looks exactly like the soon to be ex-wife.
I never understood that...even John Derek did the same thing....Linda Evans and Bo-Derek were almost identical in looks.
If you’re going to trade in the old wife for a girlfriend, wouldn’t you at least get someone who looked different>
It’s like buying a silver Honda Accord and yeara later trading it for another silver Honda Accord that is identical. I get the idea that you like the Honda Accord, but maybe a different color
I have bought several of the same cars over the years but never the same color each time.
This is just bad form.
--Bart Simpson
More and more in order to read the real USA news, we have to read BRITISH newspapers.
I first noticed this during the Clinton years. Then after GWB came around, they again dived into their work.
Now? It’s vacation again for the legacy media.
My only regret about this guy is he never caught blatant and prolific boy rapist Michael Jackson before Michael was finally taken out by a heroically courageous doctor who sacrificed his career and freedom to do so.
Color them roots girl.
Ms. Caddell looks like a younger version of Mrs. Hansen.
“Sit down Chris...sit down”
“Would you like to explain yourself” Mr. Hansen?
Karma...... she’s a BBBBBEEEEEEEAAAAAAATTTTCCCCCHHHHH!!!!! hahahahahaha. live by the camera...etc.
Log in the eye ... we humans are much too predictable
Thanks so much for posting this. I was a huge fan of ‘To Catch A Predator’ and might very well not have ever known of of Chris Hansen’s fate without you!
Oh my - what have we here
What a scumbag POS piece of trash. This jackass is making a mockery of his marriage. I hope his wife takes him for every single penny - the cheating POS can rot. F him.
Um, no. True, what he's done is horrible and wrong, but as sick as cheating on your wife is, there's no comparison between a 30 year old and a 13 year old.
Could this be justice for having turned down a pizza offered to him by a predator if he would just forget all about it? I got so hungry that I swear I would have taken the pizza.
I have no idea whatsoever why, or how, this is in any way “karmic,” or “just.”
The guy made a business of busting people who prey on kids.
Yeah - he was also maybe having an affair. Happens all the time. Hope his marriage can endure, as lots do, and hope his career can survive this capital invasion of privacy.
The girlfriend is lovely. But so is the wife.
I wonder if she did that spiel to him when she showed him the tape