With all the junk science that’s been foisted off on us, the preposterous conclusions, the out and out lies, the resulting demands that we go back to the stone age or die... these guys are lucky they haven’t been strung up.
If I were them, I’d crawl back under my rock and consider myself very lucky.
Presumably climate data is NOT SECRET STUFF.
On the other hand here's the board of directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science advancing the notion that there can be too much in the way of FOIA requests for such data.
Actually, that data has no FOIA protection and should be made available for public review and use on a continuing basis ~ as it is produced.
The way to put an end to this idea is CUT OFF ALL GOVERNMENT FUNDING and GOVERNMENT TIES to the affected institutions and employees.
If they want to surround themselves with a privacy hedge, let them do it on their own ticket ~ not mine!
BTW, that also means TAKE AWAY THEIR PRIVILEGE TO MAIL AT THE PERIODICALS RATE. They can take that 6 pound paper rock of theirs they mail out at a cross-subsidized rate every month and pay First Class Mail rates!