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Is Obama Making His Next Career Move?
American Thinker ^ | June 29, 2011 | James Lewis

Posted on 06/29/2011 12:21:04 AM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet

Obama always seems to crave more ego gratification. There is no limit to his thirst for personal power and glory. The slogan "The Audacity of Hope" is taken straight from Napoleon's creed, "L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace!" Always act audaciously on the battlefield, because your opponents will never predict your dangerous moves. Your enemies will be shocked and overwhelmed by the risks you take.

That's how Napoleon managed to kill tens of millions of Europeans in his attempt to conquer the world after 1800. George Patton used the audacity strategy to beat Nazi armored divisions in World War II. Hitler used it with the Blitzkrieg. It's also the theory of the Big Lie: You tell such breath-taking whoppers that normal people can't imagine that you don't believe a word of it yourself. Most people will believe in Big Lies more than little lies, if you repeat the Big Lies over and over again -- and if you control the Organs of Propaganda. Which the left did until the internet arose.

Obama has a lifetime of faith in an imperialistic creed, Leninist-Marxism of the third-world variety. That was the dream his Kenyan father had.

So it's not just his mysterious birth certificate. Obama is a psychological stranger to normal American politics, and intuitively many Americans grasp that. Compare Obama to Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin, or Herman Cain, and you get it immediately. It's just like the Sesame Street jingle, "One of these is not like the others..." Obama's differentness has nothing to do with skin color. It's his fundamental beliefs, his political style, and his personal morality. At some level everybody gets that.

But Obama is also a calculating politician. Like all running politicians, he projects complete faith that he'll win in 2012. But privately he knows perfectly well that his chances are about 50-50, and even if he wins next year, he will be out by 2016.

Remember that Obama must always expand his ego domain. He always needs a bigger stage to play on. That's the nature of his personality. If he can't expand his ego he feels crushed, worthless, and depressed. You can see it in his face when he runs into a serious roadblock. It's not hard to spot, and you can bet that every major government in the world has hired psychological teams to do it.

I believe Obama is already planning his next promotion. That's a rational political calculation, as well as fitting his personal grandiosity.

When politicians seem to endanger their self-interest there are two possibilities. One is that they are taking great personal risks to benefit others. Anwar Sadat, Pope John Paul II, and Gandhi took risks for what they believed was the greater good, and all were targeted for assassination as a result.

But that's extremely rare. Most of the time when politicians seem to risk their careers they are planning something unexpected. They might be using the audacity strategy: Surprise the hell out of the enemy -- that would be you and me, folks -- so the enemy can't do anything to stop you.

Why is Obama always bullying Americans whose support he needs for reelection? Why did he come out for the maximum anti-Israel position? Isn't that self-destructive, if he wants to be reelected in 2012?

A reasonable guess is that Obama wants to be UN Secretary General. To do that he needs two things: Radical Muslim support, and the international left, especially European socialists.

Targeting Israel and American capitalism is the way to their hearts. It's what they all want, because Israel and America are the biggest examples of successful free nation-states today. The left want to abolish the nation-state in favor of an international imperium to be run by -- the left! Muslims want to destroy Israel for psychic revenge, and because they must own Jerusalem, just like they must own Mecca and Medina. Both sides dream of an international imperium. Radical Muslims follow a utopian imperialist creed, and so does the radical left.

The only trouble is that their utopias are actually dystopias, horrific conditions for most human beings. They are cruel charades for the human beings who must live under their control.

The Ottoman Caliphate was the last Shari'a imperium, and in Bulgaria ordinary people still hate and despise the Turks for what they did to their great-grandparents. It was horrific. Naturally, radical Muslims are still dreaming of a new and better caliphate, one that's bigger and more powerful. That's something both Shiites like Ahmadinejad and Sunnis like the Muslim Brotherhood take as their goal.

The left is atheist, and has been since Karl Marx. It always harbors bitter hatred against traditional Christianity (and Orthodox Judaism). Radical Muslims want the whole world to obey Shari'ah law. The True Believers of the left don't believe a word in traditional Islam, just like they don't believe a word about Christianity, Judaism, or, for that matter, Buddhism and Hinduism. They are thorough-going atheists.

And yet the left is constantly pretending to know nothing about Islam, and Muslims are always pretending to ignore the atheistic faith of the left. But that's just the usual barefaced denial. They both know everything there is to know about each other. They can read, can't they? Muslim ideologues read Karl Marx, and Marxists read the Salafist and Khomeinist radicals. They know.

Since 1900 there have been plenty of Communists in the Muslim world and plenty of Muslims in the Communist and socialist world. They talk to each other all the time, and they make political deals. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. It's happening on some American college campuses today, which is why Ahmadinejad can speak at Columbia but the Israeli ambassador is heckled and booed whenever he speaks on a campus. These are not accidents.

Ordinary liberals may be suckered about Islam, but the radical left isn't. They know they are making a pact with the Devil. So do the radical Muslims. Both sides believe they will end up trying to destroy each other in the end. But they have a bigger common enemy: Us.

The worldwide left-Muslim alliance wants to undermine American dominance in the post-Cold War world. The left believes what Putin has said out loud: That the breakdown of the Soviet Union was the biggest catastrophe of the 20th century. For normal people the Soviet system fell apart because it was a corrupt disaster. For the left the Soviet Union was an experiment that didn't work, and therefore has to be done over again. Never mind those 100 million innocent victims. You have to crush a lot of eggs to make this omelet. It's okay with them.

The logic is exactly like the Hitler-Stalin pact of 1938. It was politically convenient because both sides wanted to take over the West. But they knew they were enemies. Once the left-Islamist alliance destroys the current superpower they will be at each other's throats.

It's just bizarre to think that the feminist left really wants all the women in the world to wear black tents, and to be beaten (or even killed) at home for disobeying the men of the family in accordance with Shar'iah law. The actions of the left only make sense if they believe they will gain from driving a radical Muslim wedge into Western nations. Radical leftists have said exactly that.

That's why Europe now has 53 million Muslims, concentrated in capital cities like London, Paris, and Berlin. That's why Obama and the Democrats are deliberately failing to protect our borders, and suing Arizona for trying to enforce what is already federal law. To normal people that all seems self-destructive, but there's a method to their madness.

Fundamentally, Islam and the left are ideologically incompatible. The fact that they are colluding against Israel and America means that they see a short-term advantage against their inevitable long-term struggle to the death.

The Muslim Brotherhood regime of Turkey is even now trying to repeat the Mavi Marmara publicity stunt against Israel, with the militant support of Code Pink. That is the left-Islamist axis operating right in front of our eyes. This stunt is slated to happen soon, so just watch what happens.

Together, Muslims and the European left control the United Nations General Assembly. That is why the genocidal Sudan is on the UN Human Rights Commission, a grotesque reward for a mass-murdering regime. Muslim fascists and the radical left both believe in a world imperium. The United Nations is the logical vehicle for that. Radical Muslims practice a world-imperialistic cult belief. So does the left.

Obama's Berlin speech at the Prussian Victory monument started with "Citizens of the world!" -- an obvious echo of Marx and Engels' "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!" Every leftist in Europe had to understand that. It's preaching Jesus to the Pope.

If you look at Obama's Cairo speech to the Muslim world, it is also aimed at a specific international constituency. Or take his middle name "Hussein." Obama has played with his own names -- Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. -- so much that keeping "Hussein" must have been a deliberate decision.

I don't think it means he is a faithful Muslim, because he doesn't do the five mandatory requirements of Islam. (Five daily prostrations, the pilgrimage to Mecca, and so on.) Obama was raised by atheist leftists; that is his real constituency, the one he really cares most about.

No, he's not a Muslim, but he can fake being Muslim very nicely, just like he tries to fake being Christian. He's a fast-change artist. That's why nobody was allowed to use "Hussein" during the election campaign, but when he wanted to be heard by Muslims he suddenly became Barack Hussein Obama. A shape-shifter. He could have changed Hussein to Harry, just like he changed Barack to Barry. He didn't, because he was looking to appeal to a Muslim constituency, and the only name that's more traditional than Hussein is Mohammed. But in America only 0.8 percent of the population is Muslim. It's not American Muslims he is thinking about.

But notice that he must have decided to keep "Hussein" years ahead of time. These people always play with symbols -- it's their way of feeling smarter than everybody else. The radical left does a lot of long-term planning, which is also why normal Americans are constantly surprised when they conquer another peak of power in our society: the media, universities, and now the American economy.

Obama always favors internationalist constituencies over American interest. That's why he was willing to bow down to China's Hu, to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and to the Emperor of Japan -- but not to the Queen of England. It's all deliberate symbolism that triggers recognition by the constituencies he wants to impress. If Obama is not addressing America's real concerns it's because he has bigger, foreign audiences in mind.

This is the audacity of the radical left. Bill Ayers' 2001 book had a cover picture of ole' Bill stomping on a crumpled American flag. They did that with malice aforethought, not just to say "up yours!" to Americans who love America, but also to signal the left and Islamists whose side they are on. Remember, Israel is the Little Satan but America is the Big Satan. Killing Israel is only the first step.

Nothing could be better for Obama's UN ambitions than coming out for the strategic destruction of Israel, as the 1949 cease-fire lines imply. In the Washington Post, Charles Krauthammer just made a compelling case for that. But the indefensibility of the 1949 borders has long been obvious. You can't defend a country nine miles wide at the waist. Obama claims to be ignorant of that elementary fact, but that is absurd. He knows, he knows.

By targeting Israel Obama may be preparing the ground for a UN Secretary General campaign. If he loses in 2012 he will blame the United States for being racist, the way he always does. Racism is the club they use to beat us with. They don't even believe it, but they use it, following the immortal line Obama cited, "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." Obama will be a nice guy to you until he needs his gun. Then you're a racist, just like Hillary and Bill became "racists" when Obama needed to win. Bill Clinton was outraged by being called a racist, but then he's used that club thousands of times in his political career.

The next time a Democrat gets into the White House -- maybe Hillary in 2016? -- Obama expects to be nominated for UN Sec. General.

What comes after that? Nobody can know that, but the overall goal is clear enough.

Obama has always followed an imperialistic creed, and so has Islam. That Axis of Evil is trying to grasp worldwide power right now, and if Obama has his way, he will be at the head of the parade.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government
KEYWORDS: islam; jameslewis; jihad; muslimbrotherhood; obama; secretarygeneral; un; unsecretarygeneral
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Article has many basic points that are inaccurate. See above this post. Napoleon killing "tens of millions of Euros" That was Hitler and Stalin.

With so much truth out there about Hussein, there is absolutely no need to get basic stuff wrong.

Hussein will be out in 2012, a failed experiment by the left to install a totalitarian "ruler" over Joe Sixpack America.

We survived worse than Hussein. He will be personally rebuked and most of his most egregious stunts will be revoked and repealed.

21 posted on 06/29/2011 4:49:53 AM PDT by atc23 (The Confederacy was the single greatest conservative resistance to federal authority ever.)
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To: atc23

In my view, the only next job he is qualified for is right side can puller on sanitation truck number 6 in Alexandra Virginia...and even that would tax his abilties.

22 posted on 06/29/2011 4:53:20 AM PDT by Mouton (Voting is an opiate of the electorate. Nothing changes no matter who wins..)
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To: nathanbedford

Totally agree - best part of the article is to compare the unholy alliance of leftists and muzzies to the Nazi-Soviet pact in WWII. Makes a lot of sense.

The one thing I’d add is this.

If you study the career of Lyndon Johnson it was one of seeing the potential in a position of power and not just seeing how it’s been used in the past. The best and most famous example is the Majority Leader gig in the Senate, which, before LBJ, had no real clout but did when he got done with it.

But even before this he basically did the same thing when he was a congressional aide much earlier in his career when he got himself elected head of some sort of association of congressional aides. This was documented in Caro’s series of biographies on LBJ.

You could argue Hitler did the same thing with the chancellorship in Germany and there are probably many other examples as well.

By analogy, it would be a mistake to measure the potential impact of the Sec Gen gig based on past performance. A calculating politician can basically “buy low sell high”. Insert themselves into a position that has heretofore been mostly ceremonial and figure out a way to transform that position into one of real, perhaps even absolute, power.

23 posted on 06/29/2011 5:10:12 AM PDT by 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten (Welcome to the USA - where every day is Backwards Day!)
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To: Quiller
I think more that 0 is a cynical pragmatist who embraces Marxism only because it advances himself to do so. He understands he could never advance in the conservative or libertarian camp on his own dubious merit, and therefore must fly the flag which empowers him as a minority. Once he gets where he wants to go, or if it ever hindered his progress, 0 would throw Marxism into the dustbin as readily as he does any 'close adviser' who becomes a liability.

It is ironic that it is the left that periodically publishes psychiatric profiles of Republican and conservative candidates to demonstrate their unfitness for public trust because of their mental deficiencies. I believe an empirical investigation into the motivations which impel leftists to become what they are would be a far more fruitful field for the study of man than their junk science analysis of Republican candidates.

My own theory goes right to the subject's narcissism. I often use the analogy of the Skinner Box to illustrate the principle. Skinner demonstrated that he can control animals in a box of his design by rewarding them with pellets for desirable behavior. He even succeeded in getting chickens to play baseball by this method. In a sense Skinner was the God over what went on in his box. It is the primordial urge in mankind which is so vividly described in Genesis to play God which motivates man toward statism. What better box in which to play God than the entire apparatus of the federal government unless, of course, it is rule of the world by one world government?

So Obama is a God player and the solipsism invests him with a feelings of omniscience and omnipotence which we have heard him utter, for example, when he told Harry Reid, "I have a gift." His tolerance of children singing songs to him as though he were Chairman Mao is utterly damning of his psychic condition.

A reading of Whittaker Chambers reveals an insight into the mind of communist apparatchiks which is thoroughly frightening. But one characteristic which I find interesting is the separation between the leaders and useful idiots. Clearly Obama who has been a loner all his life regards himself as a leader who despises the rest of his own party as useful idiots.

This is what I was trying to allude to in the last paragraph of my last post. Stalin must destroy Trotsky. Leftist radicals must eventually destroy or be destroyed by their provisional allies the Islamic fundamentalists. Finally, the Democratic Party-or at least the leaders- must turn on itself like a pack of ravening dogs.

Obama sees himself as the top dog.

24 posted on 06/29/2011 5:10:12 AM PDT by nathanbedford ("Attack, repeat, attack!" Bull Halsey)
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To: Quiller
"The left would do well to consider the experience the Weimar Republic had with trying to leverage an ideology to bring down a governemnt. It couldn't control the result in 1917, and the left will not be able to control the result, if they get what they hope for, in 20XX."

Not to be picky, but the Weimar Republic didn't come into existence until 1919. In 1917 Germany was an imperial monarchy ruled by Kaiser Wilhelm. The Weimar republic was created by a national assembly. I'm not sure what you mean by leveraging an ideaology to bring down a government concerning the German republic created from the ashes of WWI. Are you perhaps somehow referring to the Bolshevics in Russia?
25 posted on 06/29/2011 5:14:38 AM PDT by Old Teufel Hunden
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To: atc23
"We survived worse than Hussein. He will be personally rebuked and most of his most egregious stunts will be revoked and repealed."

Wow, I wish I had your confidence.

26 posted on 06/29/2011 5:16:18 AM PDT by NoExpectations
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To: nathanbedford

I like your psychological analysis of marxism. It works.

My longtime held psychological analysis is perhaps a useful adjunct as it is not competing but rather complementary.

Marx’s essential incorrect assumption which I think is subconsciously echoed by adherents and fellow travelers is basically this.

It’s simply one of scale and has to do with emotional ties.

If you think of it the nuclear family is one of many social units where “from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs” not only makes sense but demonstrably works and has for as long as humans have been around.

There are probably other social units (tribes, some voluntary associations) where this in fact works.

The error that the marxists make is quite simply one of extrapolation. If something works on these small scales than of course it will work on a national scale. And of course this has been proven to be false.

But since most everyone has grown up in a family of one sort or another and has directly experienced this arrangement, this is the subconscious appeal of this dangerous ideology. So there is almost a psychological weakness that predisposes many people to believe in the false premises (and promises) of marxism since this error of extrapolation is quite easy to make if one is not intellectually rigorous.

27 posted on 06/29/2011 5:18:53 AM PDT by 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten (Welcome to the USA - where every day is Backwards Day!)
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To: nathanbedford

Great analysis in your post 24.

28 posted on 06/29/2011 5:19:01 AM PDT by Old Teufel Hunden
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To: 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten

I like your analysis and how forms of socialism works on a smaller scale. Such as families and voluntary associations. However, I would add that the one thing that the socialists miss out on with these smaller groups is the fact that in all of these groups it works because there has been a sense of trust and mutual respect built up amongst it’s members. All of these groups you mention only work in this world of socialism because of that trust and mutual respect. This is impossible to replicate on a national or international level with people of disparate wants, desires and needs.

29 posted on 06/29/2011 5:23:59 AM PDT by Old Teufel Hunden
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Excellent article. I believe this author has Obama’s number. Pray for America and pray for Christians and Jews.
30 posted on 06/29/2011 5:24:39 AM PDT by liberalh8ter
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To: Old Teufel Hunden

Precisely so - that’s exactly the point.

It’s a bit like those math tricks where you prove that 1 = 2. (or something like that). In those math tricks you divide by 0 but you do it in a clever way and do it symbolically and not explicitly so a lot of folks miss it.

Socialism basically concludes that 1 = 2.

The “proof” that socialism “works” is that “see it works in a family situation”.

The “divide by zero” step is related to your point - that in a family people respect, trust and love each other (not to mention there is the genetic argument that says people want to see their own genes propagate). But like the math paradoxes many people miss this logical sleight of hand.

31 posted on 06/29/2011 5:33:13 AM PDT by 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten (Welcome to the USA - where every day is Backwards Day!)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Comments? I see a different future career for former President Obama.

He's already got a head start.

32 posted on 06/29/2011 5:40:13 AM PDT by McGruff (Why do they fear her so?)
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To: Quiller
. . . as Freeper Yossarian points out, [0] is apparently ineligible to become Secretary-General.

Maybe that is when he will reveal his true Birth Certificate showing his Kenyan birth and therefore making him eligible.

33 posted on 06/29/2011 5:42:21 AM PDT by The Theophilus (Obama's Key to win 2012: Ban Haloperidol)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Is Obama Making His Next Career Move?

Joining the PGA tour starting in December 2012!???

34 posted on 06/29/2011 6:11:28 AM PDT by DustyMoment (Go green - recycle Congress in 2012!!)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

American leftists are cowards. They believe in nothing, and who will stand and fight for nothing?

The American leftists of the 1930s at least had guts to stand and fight. The modern-day American leftist will never do that. He’s already doomed and soon dead but doesn’t realize it, whether muslims or patriots destroy them.

We had a bunch of fat SEIU pigs try to disrupt a Tea Party gathering. When confronted, they ran into a building and locked the door. Then through the windows they started screaming Help! Police! The cops, laughing their butts off, escorted the crybabies away.

Don’t underestimate leftists and never turn your back on one. But will the American left stand and fight face to face? Never.

35 posted on 06/29/2011 6:20:47 AM PDT by sergeantdave (The democrat party is a seditious organization that must be outlawed)
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To: nathanbedford; 2ndDivisionVet; Enchante; Yossarian
To some degree or other all Marxists are narcissists and that explains why there is such a ferocious infighting among them. Our job, if we wish to save the Republic, is to exploit that tendency.

Those are all interesting observations except this weird belief that the United Nations has any clout or power. I don't see UN missile silos, air-craft carriers or spy satellites. They don't hand out money and control countries nearly as well as the IMF, and the existence of G8 and other more exclusive groups is clear evidence that the real powers only used the UN as a stepping aid to put the united States under the boot heel of Tyranny. In that regard the UN has been barely successful. I believe that is why we are tormented with the likes of the current Regime. The nexus of the Soviet Empire and the UN failed to accomplish what a generation of Marxist policies and sedition from within have managed to do, with the masterpiece of their craft seen in the last few years.

For the very reason that those who lust for power through a UN type vehicle are narcissists, and every diplomat associated with the UN is a narcissist, the clash of egos and ideologies, like in the Muslim world, will be, in effect, its own governor and its own demise.

More importantly, I believe that we are missing the 800# gorilla in the room. Basically the merging of Mark 3:23-26 ("How can Satan cast out Satan") and Ephesians 6:12 (Spiritual warfare) makes for a better template in which to consider the events of our time. A persuasive argument can be made that the subjects of our discussion here are Hell bent on rebelling against each and every command and principle established by God. The common enemy of those in whom we speak, are the true Saints of God, and while they may appear to struggle for dominance, they still have a common goal - and that is the eradication of Christianity and raw uninhibited rebellion against God. In Covenant Theology, eschatological teachings point to a Restoration of Paradise. In view of the Light vs Darkness paradigm ever present in Scripture, it follows that the aim of the underworld is to be the exact opposite and work to be the polar opposite of Paradise. This is the grim reality which we must face.

Dismissing the alien teachings of the Futurists WRT prophecies concerning the Last Days, and viewing present events with orthodox glasses on, an argument can be made that the Gog and Magog are the enemies of God, we can debate if that would include both companies in this discussion namely Progressive/Marxists and Muslims, but the OT descriptions do have an analog throughout Church history even to this present day.

The difference now from then is that in Satan's Groundhog Day repeating of events, replacing what didn't work, and tweaking what seemed to work, instead of a global unity against Christians in the form of religious might (eg. Catholics, Muslims) or in military might (eg. Hitler, Soviet Union) it is coming ideologically and economically. This might be the charm, and Revelation 18:21-24 would seem to indicate this is the final push since the economic world is sprinting headlong into an inevitable thousand years of darkness.

The repeated patterns of history in this regard are the nations coalesce, doom to the Godly people seems imminent, the Church is purified by sword and fire whereas only the remnant remains, and the bad guys fall into chaos and eat each other. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

So the Marxists and the Muslims will coalesce as they have a common enemy, they will purify the Church (witness the millions of Christians slaughtered in the Congo this last decade), likely global in its reach, and one of two things will happen: (1) they will eventually fall into chaos and eat each other plunging the world into a thousand years of Darkness, or (2) this time Satan is unbound for the Mother of All Rebellions, 70AD on steroid, and we witness the Parousia.

History tells us that the survivors are the one who are prepared, not those who plunge lightly armored into the fray where they are immediately cut down.

36 posted on 06/29/2011 6:40:24 AM PDT by The Theophilus (Obama's Key to win 2012: Ban Haloperidol)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
I once read an article about a syndrome in the business world I think called "Peter Pan"? This is a go getter person that gets a job and immediately wants to move up to the next one, never completing or attaining success in the last position. Many times they are incompetent and if they did not move on quickly, everyone would see they were unable to do the job they just left.

How many "jobs"/positions has BO had and not completed but moves quickly to the next higher level of power?

37 posted on 06/29/2011 7:40:08 AM PDT by thirst4truth (The left elected a mouth that is unattached to an eye, brain or muscle.)
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To: GeronL

>>>>I think this article might be on the right track.<<<<

I agree. The writer does a good job outlining the philosophy behind the behavior. I’m sure that there are a few specifics here and there which won’t match the reality as it unfolds, but a Devil’s bargain between Islam and the Left looks like what is happening.

I feel a little like Athens just before the Battle of Marathon.

God help us.

38 posted on 06/29/2011 9:32:35 AM PDT by redpoll
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To: Old Teufel Hunden
You are absolutely correct -- my mistake.

And yes, I was referring to the sealed train that crossed Germany to St. Petersburg, carrying the "virus that would destroy Russia."

The German intent was to use Lenin to destroy Russia through revolution. The result? Yes, Russia was taken out of the picture, but the Ally's loss of WWI, and the success of communism in Europe, argues that leveraging the ideology to destroy the government wasn't exactly what Germany intended.

39 posted on 06/29/2011 1:29:16 PM PDT by Quiller (When you're fighting to survive, there is no "try" -- there is only do, or do not.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Will the Left’s Islamic messiah attempt to rule the world? Yes, if he can. Are these the times for this to happen? God only knows.

For those who don’t understand the danger of the globalist ideology and their culture and attitudes, get with it! Algore is talking about global eugenics and Obama who embraces that social ideology and has named Christians domestic terrorists, molests old ladies and children at the airports without batting an eye, and who hates freedom and places himself above the rule of law, is associated with every sort of dirty bird and gangster, sold weapons to the Mexican cartels who are associated with Hamas, wants to rule the world. The globalists’ ideal world will be hell - even for “smart” limo liberals.

40 posted on 06/29/2011 4:39:21 PM PDT by SaraJohnson
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