Posted on 06/27/2011 9:05:43 AM PDT by bjorn14
Rep. Michele Bachmann, stressing her Iowa roots and appealing directly to Tea Party voters, came out swinging Monday as she formally launched her campaign for president.
Buoyed by a strong showing in several recent polls, the Minnesota congresswoman cast her campaign as the voice for "constitutional conservatives" looking for a government that lives within its means while giving the private sector the room to grow. She launched a broadside against President Obama for racking up too much debt while stimulating too little job growth and vowed to make him a "one-term president."
"We cannot afford four more years of Barack Obama," she declared, later adding: "We can win in 2012 and we will win."
In her announcement, Bachmann described a special bond with Iowa, the nation's leadoff caucus state. She held the kickoff in her hometown of Waterloo, Iowa, and called herself a "descendent of generations of Iowans," saying the state is where she learned "everything I needed to know." She also appealed to another vital primary constituency, calling herself part of the Tea Party movement and defending it as a cross-section of Republicans, independents and disaffected Democrats.
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I don’t know what the heck you said. If you’re gonna talk to me, at LEAST make a coherent statement. Using liberal talking points? Have you lost your mind? I HAVE EARS and a BRAIN IN MY HEAD, and I do my own thinking. I was simply responding to another freeper’s inaccurate post. I didn’t say “Palin is the only person I would ever vote for” or anything like it. If THAT is what you got from my couple of paragraphs, then you need to take a reading comprehension class. And please do not misrepresent what I say again. Copy & paste my quote before responding would be a more honest way of doing it.
This isn't a you can only choose one thing. I am a HUGE Sarah Palin fan and a HUGE Michele Bachmann fan!!! Maybe I'm a nut! But I would take Palin or Bachmann over any of the RINOs currently running.
I'm sure it was written by a liberal but there is a movie called "My fellow American's" where two former Presidents run. I would love to see a Palin / Bachmann or Bachmann / Palin ticket.
Either way I'm happy.
“May I ask you why a FReeper can’t support Palin AND Bachmann?”
May I ask YOU to please quote where I said they couldn’t.
Thank You!
good one. People forget just how fired up Sarah had the base in 08. She even pulled the RINOmccain ahead of Obama. Sarah wanted to compete in Michigan. Sarah had to fight the Romney plants in the fall of 08. Above all, Sarah is a tenacious fighter for Liberty.
When Sarah announces, it will bring a political Earthquake across our Republic. The evil left and contemptible elites across the land will know clearly on the day Sarah announces that the battle to save our Republic is engaged fully by We the People."
What an incredibly naive thing to state. No conservative will EVER run again if Obama is reelected. Any rational person can see that if Obama gets a second term, our Republic will be transformed into a socialist hell. Think the courts, full press Obamacare, etc.
No political solutions will exist to return our Republic towards Liberty. The left's stranglehold on most institutions will be complete.
The only way to restore our Republic if the Marxist is reelected is through a Revolution. The odds of a Revolution is very low. We will likely sink over time into a third world sewer. That's the plan of the left.
I'll be surprised if she makes it to the first primary.
My prediction is that the nomination will go to someone who's last name starts with a "P".
Any takers on bets?
I think Bachmann is the better candidate. She has low negs and no ‘baggage’ and would wield a switch as President. If I wanted to beat O like a rented mule in 2012 I’d prefer her.
If Palin is in Bachman will be history in a heartbeat. But even without Palin, which of course we hope won’t happen, Bachman’s slipping and sliding far to much this early on...Palin had her moments for a while as well... but she has been soooo conditioned and fine tuned now there’s just little they can throw at her she hasn’t already heard and isn’t prepared for...IMO. Never the less they will be trying to blindside Palin when she announces and thereafter.
You’re going to have to bone up on your folksiness, it’s coming across a little clunky. Try “take him to the woodshed.” Or, if you’re really feeling froggy, bless his heart. But, be warned. We know what it’s supposed to sound like.
She's trying to be a Palin wannabe and that is becoming far too obvious the more she speaks. Additionally she just isn't ready.. she is still in the cheerleading mode, and there isn't enough time to tighten up her game. Besides of recent she just keeps slitting her own throat...again evidencing that whatever her asperations are she's not coming across well at all. Bachman's got to be able to be quick on her toes and she's just not.
As a lawyer you would think she would be a careful wordsmith, but not all lawyers are good lawyers.
I don't know if Palin is going to run. If she doesn't then we have to face facts. The only acceptable candidate with executive experience who has announced his candidacy is Pawlenty. I am about as excited about Pawlenty as I would be about getting a root canal, but he can beat Obama and he would make a better president. Bachmann is toast at this point. Perry and Palin are my principle backups. I wanted Bachmann to do well and i would have liked her to be the nominee, but she has proven herself to not be up to the task. Seriously, she is not a serious candidate. Not any more.
I agree with your assessment at this point...did my homework as well...I just expected better from her, especially this soon after claiming her run. I still like her but ya know there's that gut feeling you get.. something isn't Kosher in Denmark.
Yea, Pawlenty isn't exactly formidable though he's spot on conservative IMO. Not so sure he could excite the voters though. He's got to knock it up several notches to get the attention he needs.
I don't like Perry's Rino-ness, though he's got attention currently and the "voice" to carry what people want to hear. I am also wondering if others aren't laying back we have not heard from yet. Time will tell.
To be honest, I think what this country really needs at this point is a low-key boring invisible president. Someone who we only think about on President's day and when he lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier on Memorial day. Someone who will give a 10 minute State of the Union address and still put people to sleep.
I frankly would like nothing more than 8 years of an invisible president.
Pawlenty would eviserate Obama. You know all those polls that say that a "generic" Republican would beat Obama by 10 points? Well Pawlenty certainly fits the mold of a "generic" republican.
Maybe we can stage "sleep ins" at his campaign rallies.
LOL... But I'd be happy with a Pres. who locked himself in his office and got things done. BTW My son is a laid back individual for the most part. Bright and has a strong opinion. Good listener too. Not one for the limelight though he holds it well when necessary. But you would not want to go up against him on political issues he is passionate about..ever. I wonder if Pawlenty is like that... doesn't really like the public attention but is fully loaded for when the time comes. We shall see.
Although Palin would also be great as the first woman president, she has a lot more of the Statist Corporate Cronie connections that own the Republican Socialist-Lite party
If you can’t accept the facts of Palin’s resignation as they stand and would rather buy into the left wing media perception then so be it.
Don’t expect us here to give your posts any weight considering.
Michelle Bachman sure beats the Communty Organizer from Chicago who wasnt ready, she is a lot more intelligent than Obama ,
not only that, Bachman makes a hell of a lot more sense when she speaks than Palin
I feel so sorry for those poor politicians! They don't have as much to lose as we do.
You can either slit your own throat or you can be smart and pick the right battles.
If we don't fight this battle, they will import 10s of millions of leftist voters. How would you like leftists controlling all 3 branches of government forever? In the long run, that's not even good for illegal aliens.
Well that says less than little for Bachman as Obamas bar is so low on the floor. Why bring her down to his level? You compare Bachman to those she is running against now, just to be clear.
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