An amazing piece. It ‘lays out the problem’ but I don’t think anything can “explain” it. It’s like the blacks all voting for Obama because he’s black (or partially anyway). These people cannot see past the fascade. It is a blindness that is actually a part of self-destruction. To give Obama applause, and MONEY? Someone who is OBVIOUSLY trying to eliminate the Jewish State and who, as the article says, believes what Rev. Wright STILL preaches. How they can look these facts straight in the eye and come away with the opposite conclusion is beyond me. But I feel that way about most liberals. Rush is right, it is some kind of mental disease.
Have a nice weekend.
Liberal Jews think Christians are their enemy instead of the Muslims who want to KILL them!! And they think that republicans are all Christians. Idiots.
I see it as four factors all converging at once in the modern LIBERAL Jewish mind in America, with only the first being peculiar to them as Jews, the other three being common to all American LIBERALS.
1) Family history - There is a history of oppression in the “old country”, whichever one that happens to be. When many of the families arrived in the U.S. and surmised the “lay of the land” politically, they felt that the Republicans were the “old money aristocracy” party, and the Democrats were the “party of the little guy”. This family history has been handed down generation to generation like all culture is. To go against it now is to go against their whole family tree.
2) Crowd mentality - most people are very prone to going along with the mentality of their circle of friends. When one “changes sides” politically, it is “going against the grain” with “the crowd” that what travels in. Most people do not like the resultant confrontation that is bound to happen if one’s friends find out one has “changed sides” politically. This effect, of course, can be seen in all groups.
3) Feminism and racism - Let’s be blunt: female, white American LIBERALS of European and Christian backgrounds who have become non-practicing or atheist have largely been consumed by their desire to have power over men or to live independent of them. Their ideal is always the fantasy of a girl with a job on her own in the big city - having fun. This lifestyle, however, requires that they have abortion at their service if they wish to avoid being “cornered” into marrying a man they don’t want to after he fathers a child with them. LIBERAL men, meanwhile, find the idea of a woman they fornicated with killing the unborn child on her own with no help from them very desireable; the man can then also avoid an undesired marriage and avoid raising their illegitimate child. It’s a convenient way for both man and woman to be able to fornicate to their heart’s content, and then when they want to marry to live a lie and present themselves as having lived a much purer life than they have - simply by eliminating much of their sordid past from recollections offered to the spouse-to-be. Chances are the spouse-to-be is soft-pedaling their past as well, they rationalize. This lie can only be told without a string of bastard children in tow. And let’s be honest, both see free abortions as an essential option for black women in the inner city - to control the growth in the number of babies born to unwed black mothers in the inner city. All the bigtime LIBERALS make such high-handed gestures towards blacks as voters that such gestures border on some demented dogma. Just ride by Planned Parenthood in Newark, NJ - it’s quite a large operation. And they don’t force it on the inner city mothers - they simply make sure the “service is available”, like the dealer “providing” for his junkie. Ironically in the words of a leftist moron celebrity, “it’s racism straight up”. They must tow the line on this core part of Socialism and Communism - the left-wing leadership will never let the idea of simply eliminating all handouts for unwed mothers and their parents from taking hold amongst LIBERALS, as the left-wing relies on large numbers of unwitting poor and a “vices for everyone” platform in order to maintain anything close to a majority vote. Because of the aforementioned desires, LIBERALS refuse to acknowledge the optimal solution, which is to force inner cities to deal with their own problems financially and to continue the preaching of the Gospel in the inner cities, reinforcing the structure and responsibilities of the Christian home. In order to survive, this modern LIBERALISM must protect the right of fornication for it’s dupes, along with the right to every other vice. To the unbelieving soul, wickedness disguised as fun is the only pipe dream to happiness, since they know not the joys of faith Christ, salvation and a life lived righteously. In the case of unbelieving Jews, they do not know the joys of living under the Law of Moses and having faith in God.
4) Fear - when one has no faith in God, one becomes afraid very easily. Again, let’s be blunt: the idea of having to fight against islam scares many people. The boogie-man with a towel over his face - millions of them - scares many people. Now we’ve got boogie-men with no towels, but dressed in nice suits, popping up in our government, businesses and universities. Boogie-men local headquarters are popping up all over. It’s almost like they’re invading. Wait - they are. So what’s a LIBERAL to do ? Cover their ears and say la-la-la-la until the fear subsides. Make up stories in their mind about how boogie-men are actually just like you and me, how they have rights like everyone else, how the problem is not the boogie-men, but those who won’t give the boogie-men what they want so they will leave us alone. The LIBERAL therefore immediately thinks to sacrifice his brothers and sisters that live in Israel. After all, the boogie-men have said that they mean us no harm, that their only request is to wipe Israel off the map to reclaim the Sudet... - I mean palestine.
It’s no wonder that the Occupant of the White House can make a speech to American LIBERAL Jews which placates their conscience, because they, along with all American LIBERALS, need an escape from their guilt over being wrong in terms of the four factors I mentioned above. They therefore allow the howl of the wolf eyeing their camp to lull them to sleep. To the unschooled or unwilling, the deception that lies in the Occupant’s words is impalpable; to the dispassionate logician the doublespeak is contemptuous in it’s backhanded condescension. It requires only a quick but careful read to detect that not one word or phrase contradicts the viewpoint of islam’s goal of wiping out the Jewish people, both within and without Israel. Anyone in the audience of this fundraising speech would have shuddered at it’s ominous tacit endorsement of Jewish extermination if their mind could hear the words over the din of la-la-la-la.
When these four powerful factors converge, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is replaced by the idol of LIBERALISM, which blinds and then enslaves.
LIBERAL Americans, both those who profess to be “religious” and those who do not, simply keep repeating over and over to themselves what their COMMUNIST overlords tell them is the LIBERAL perspective: the islamic wolves are their friend and the Christian sheep are their enemy.
I am convinced to be a liberal is to go against one’s natural reasoning. It requires a complete abandonment of all common sense! Quite frankly, “they ain’t got the brains they were born with!”
You know, I think it is simple ignorance.
Freepers are, outside of Israelis, the only group I know that “gets” some of the subtleties of the issues and is probably one of the few sites in the entire world where the arab/liberal media blockade is busted.
99% of voters have no idea on these issues, and Jewish Americans are no different than any one else -— they go on emotion and nice words and that’s it.
No deep thought or rejection involved -— just inertia.