Why is everyone so opposed to packing these people up and sending them home?
And why do we have to subsidize their education?
If you take the time to read what I've linked to and are honest, you will revise your remarks.
I agree with you, GET RID OF THEM
but we don’t have to actually deport them, Stop their employment and stop ANY bennies to them and their anchor babies
and they will go back on their own
ONLY exception to that is true emergency care. true emerngency care , stabilize them and send them back.
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Why is everyone so opposed to packing these people up and sending them home? “ ====
Because we were on snooze for a couple of generation on enforcing immigration laws. Decent God fearing Mexicans therefore were not required and predictably failed to comply with these laws, of which they were not informed. These people have been and still are gardeners and housekeepers and laborors who were paid mostly in cash, and raised educated children who are now shop keepers. To “deport them all” is not only insane and excruciatingly expensive, it’s now cruel, given the state of Mexico, a country they hardly know.
Because we failed to set a standard for so long, no elected president or anyone else, I mean NO ONE, is EVER going to send decent families into drug cartel country to fend for themselves where they are not equipped to survive the corruption, simply because the US succored these people and dumped over enforcement.