If you take the time to read what I've linked to and are honest, you will revise your remarks.
No I won’t...I DID read the writing and justification for compounding a mistake.
I do not agree with the sentiment.
Yes, I know these were hard working and decent people and all that. Salt of the earth etc. But squatters are still squatters.
But all of a sudden because they broke the law and continue to do so, we are now going to just let ‘em stay, reward them and even allow them one of the benefits of state citizenship: in state tuition.
Its just wrong: these people whio are here ILLEGALLY compete against our own sons and daughters maybe denyimng them a spot in state schools because they are, perhaps, not hispanic...certainly an advantage to be a minority. And IF you extend education bennies to them when will they ever go home? Why would they ever go home.
I don’t care if the know Mexico or the hellhole it has become or not. Sorry as I can be. We should not be subsidizing their lawless behavior.