I wish they would stop treating it like a screw up. It was an intentional criminal act and the only thing they botched was keeping it hidden.
This was bribery and nothing less....please do not pee upon my feet and tell me it’s raining.
The border states have been cracking down on this Mexican crap and...tada....the Mexican drug lords are a little short on needed guns.
Mexico, heh...a nothing burger country populated by small brained people who have done nothing with that beautiful rich land God gave them but send their citizens to America to send money back home, to supply the planet with drugs....with a few tourist attractions thrown in amongst the kidnappings and killings.
So Eric Holder....the WORST AG this country has ever had, bar none....a symbol of total shame he is....is promised a few bucks in an off-shore account, a few more bucks for Obamer’s campaign upcoming....JUST GET US SOME MORE GUNS!
Let’s hope this opposition party goes after this big time.
I’m in admiration of Issa but he needs the rest of the party to back him.
An American citizen on our border was killed with guns smuggled to Mexico, intentionally and for money, by our own head of American law......
The pubs....they gotta risk mussing head hairs and quit reaching across the damn aisle.
This is grounds for impeachment but you’ll never find Obamer’s name on it. If the pubs keep at it, we might be able to get Holder....awful, awful man.
You are correct. Nothing zero and his goons do is unintentional. They know exactly what they are doing and it is to destroy our 2nd Amendment rights....actually all our rights “Under God”. That is why they keep leaving out those words (intentionally) to help people forget that it isn’t government that is the source of all our rights.
Can imagine how the media would be portraying this if it had happened under Bush?
Murder will out! Chaucer
Agree 100%. Even if it were an alternate-reality universe and this was accidental, it would be a criminal level of stupidity.