By stating that over-the-counter trading of gold and silver is illegal, does this mean I can’t walk into a coin dealer and cash out a roll of silver eagles?
My Gold is legal tender, this is a bunch of malarkey unless the US treasury decides not to back their own money. Of course what a man wants to pay is up to him.
That’s my question. If a person can’t sell his metals this would make gold and silver prices go through the roof on the black market.
No, it means if you trade gold and/or silver in the Forex market you have to take delivery of the metal.
“...does this mean I cant walk into a coin dealer and cash out a roll of silver eagles?”
NO, but you can’t as a private investor buy and sell futures in the metals market, unless you take or make delivery. Private speculators are out, but the banks and big corp. dealers are not affected.
That’s what I was wondering. What constitutes “over-the-counter trading of gold and silver?” Can I buy old silver dollars over a virtual counter like eBay?