My Gold is legal tender, this is a bunch of malarkey unless the US treasury decides not to back their own money. Of course what a man wants to pay is up to him.
Be careful, if one thinks about it, “yes” your Eagles are legal tender, but look at the amount of tender:
1 Dollar.
If the Gov ordered all us mint coins turned in for replacement by plastic slugs, if they paid you 1 “Dollar” in plastic slugs, then your metals would not have been “confiscated”.
That was what FDR’s goons did back in the 30’s, Gold was price controlled, he devalued Gold down to 19 dollars an OZ, confiscated it, then raised the price to 32 dollars an OZ.
>My Gold is legal tender, this is a bunch of malarkey unless the US treasury decides not to back their own money. Of course what a man wants to pay is up to him.<
The dollar has not been backed by gold for years. That script making US currency payable on demand was taken out of circulation years ago when we were taken off the gold standard.