To: Faith
Seriously-who smiles for their mugshot?Somebody who doesn't want their mugshot to look like a mugshot. He'd get even more grief if it looked something like this:
12 posted on
06/15/2011 12:55:06 PM PDT by
("Politicians exploit economic illiteracy." --Walter Williams)
To: Huntress
Hard to believe little Tanya Tucker once knocked the dog shit out of Glen...
14 posted on
06/15/2011 12:56:49 PM PDT by
(British Army, Fighting Proudly in Afghanistan-Since 1839)
To: Huntress
Holy geeze. Remember when, like Edwards, he was famous for his hair too?
34 posted on
06/15/2011 1:44:55 PM PDT by
(Where the Welfare State is on the march, the Police State is not far behind)
To: Huntress
Somebody who doesn't want their mugshot to look like a mugshot.Bingo.
37 posted on
06/15/2011 2:04:03 PM PDT by
("The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen." -Dennis Prager)
To: Huntress
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