Posted on 06/15/2011 5:35:22 AM PDT by JudyM
During the 2008 campaign Barack Obama ran more against lame-duck President Bush than against his Republican opponent, John McCain. The campaign is now long over, and yet President Obama still seems haunted by the ghost of his predecessor. Last week, for example, he was railing at the Bush phantom, whom he blamed for his received economic mess. In the world of Barack Obama everything he inherited was someone elses fault unless he believes past policies offer him some advantage and thus are to be claimed as entirely his own. The stock market is sliding. Gas and food prices are soaring. The housing market is as bad as it has been for the last three years. Unemployment is back over 9 percent. Economic growth is anemic. The national debt has risen $5 trillion in just three years. This years $1.6 trillion budget deficit is not stimulating anything but uncertainty and despair. Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable at present rates of payouts. Record numbers of Americans draw food stamps and unemployment insurance. An unpopular Obamacare has not even been implemented yet, and the administration has already granted 1,400 exemptions from it. In other words, much as Jimmy Carter took the hard times of 197576 and turned them into the mess of high interest, high inflation, high unemployment, and high gas prices while blaming the American people for their malaise so too Barack Obama has made almost everything worse and is getting angrier at other people and events (the European meltdown, the Japanese tsunami, the Middle Eastern unrest) in the process. The administrations massive borrowing, new regulations, promised higher taxes, opposition to new oil leases and pipelines, takeovers (from GM and Chrysler to healthcare),
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... he makes it clear that a President Obama would have absolutely no patience with someone like a griping Senator Obama.
VDH bump! Dr. Hanson eviscerates the boy who would be king.
Tell me what Bush “did”. It can’t be failure to regulate, because Bush tried to rein in Fannie Mae/ Freddie Mac and Barney Frank and the other dems wouldn’t hear of it.
George Bush didnt do a damn thing to “cause” a recession, and BHO has done plenty to prolong and worsen it.
Obamas Deficit Avalanche isnt Bushs Fault / 2/9/2010
Washington Times reports: Even more staggering than the mountains of snow in the capital are the deficits the Obama administration plans for the next decade. Huge spending increases will add about $12 trillion to the national debt for budget years 2009 to 2020. The scariest part is that these deficits are based on unrealistic budgeting assumptions; the real fiscal outlook is much bleaker. In the proposed 2011 budget, the White House defensively attacks the irresponsibility of past deficits.
For example, the 2009 budget deficit of $1.4 trillion is blamed on the George W. Bush administration as if President Obamas $862 billion stimulus package and more than $400 billion supplemental spending bill had nothing to do with it. Mr. Obamas planned 2010 budget deficit rises to an even higher record level of $1.6 trillion.
By comparison, all of Mr. Bushs deficits from 2002 to 2008 the seven years during which his team had the most control over the budget produced a combined deficit of $2.1 trillion. Obama has spent more in 2 years than Bush did in 7 years. Obamas BIOB (Blame it on Bush) defense just wont work anymore.
A lot of this is similar to Rush’s first hour on Tuesday (I listened to the podcast this morning on the way in).
>>Tell me what Bush did. It cant be failure to regulate, because Bush tried to rein in Fannie Mae/ Freddie Mac and Barney Frank and the other dems wouldnt hear of it.<<
The MSM and of course barry the zero keep getting one fundamental thing wrong, irrespective of who started the recession (and it WAS as you say).
barry didn’t “inherit” anything. He VOLUNTEERED for it!
I have this image of obama walking by an ATM machne and cursing at it. LMAO!
Ping for later.
And many Democrats still buy thism, or claim it, that the mess that Obama inherited will take him 8 years to fix with more taxes and spending. At the same time they are unahppy that he didnt do enough of it, but will still vote for him anyway.
My belief is that the financial meltdown of 2008, if not caused outright by DemocRAT interests on Wall Street, was certainly nudged along by them to help secure a win by Obama (adjusting tin-foil hat).
Now, like Dr. Frankenstein having lost control of the monster he created, they can only watch helplessly as the boy who would be President (who never held a real job and couldn’t run a lemonade stand for profit) flails around and blames everyone else.
“...history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments.”
Friedrich August von Hayek
Bush increased government spending more than any of the six presidents preceding him, including LBJ.
Bush never cut a single government program and instead created new hundred billion dollar socialist programs like a Medicare drug entitlement and No Child Left Behind federal control of education
Bush initiated the multi-trillion dollar transfer of wealth from the US taxpayers to Wall St. and European Banksters.
Bush did nothing to stop the tsunami of legal and illegal Third World immigration into the country
Bush did nothing to stop the outsourcing of American jobs to Red China, India, and other Third World pits.
Bush did nothing to stop the direct transfer of American manufacturing and heavy industry to Red China.
Bush launched a series of endless wars in the Middle East that we are going to be paying for in blood and treasure far into the future.
Bush did nothing to make America energy independent.
That's all I could think of off the top of my head.
It's always someone else's fault, they learn never to take responsibility for their actions. In this environment we have Barack Obama, who will continue to blame others for his own mistakes for eternity.
While I believe you overstated several items, I do not take issue with the substance. Bush, with control of both houses of Congress, had the opportunity to shrink government and limit its role and he did not. He overspent which allowed the Dems to come back into power. Having said that, he was a spending/government midget compared to the giant spender/government-grower that is Obama. He took bad and made it worse than most of us could have imagined.
Allow me to help you then. President George W. Bush saved the country from Presidents Gore and Kerry ...
was the world leader in taking the fight to the Muslim Jihadists who attacked us on 9/11 ...
and who genuinely cared deeply about America and every one of its citizens (and especially its most vulnerable citizens).
The whole financial meltdown was engineered over time by the Democrats. The trigger was pulled in the early morning hours of September 26, 2008, when someone began withdrawing large amounts of cash from money market accounts. The amount was so large that Bush was advised to close the banks. I haven't heard who that was, if it was revealed, but it sure sounds like the Soros MO.
The housing crash was also engineered over time by the Democrats and triggered just before the election.
The Democrats and the media spent eight years blasting everything Bush did, many of which they also are now doing to great praise. Bush was so demonized that any Democrat could have won, even a nothing like Obama. While blasting Bush they simultaneously refused to do any vetting of Obama. Once he was nominated it then became "An Historic Election" and to not elected him was racist. McCain didn't have a chance. The media elected Obama and they will continue to try.
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