Posted on 06/08/2011 10:14:09 PM PDT by Kevmo
A model for enhanced fusion reaction in a solid matrix of metal deuterides
A model for enhanced fusion reaction in a solid matrix of metal deuterides
Sinha, K.P. and A. Meulenberg. A model for enhanced fusion reaction in a solid matrix of metal deuterides. in
ICCF-14 International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.
A model for enhanced fusion reaction in a solid matrix of
metal deuterides
K. P. Sinhaa and A. Meulenbergb
a Department of Physics, IISc, Bangalore 560012, India (
b HiPi Consulting, Frederick, MD, USA (
Our study shows that the cross-section for fusion improves considerably if d-d
pairs are located in linear (one-dimensional) chainlets or line defects. Such nonequilibrium
defects can exist only in a solid matrix. Further, solids harbor lattice
vibrational modes (quanta, phonons) whose longitudinal-optical modes interact
strongly with electrons and ions. One such interaction, resulting in potential
inversion, causes localization of electron pairs on deuterons. Thus, we have
attraction of D+ D- pairs and strong screening of the nuclear repulsion due to
these local electron pairs (local charged bosons: acronym, lochons). This
attraction and strong coupling permits low-energy deuterons to approach close
enough to alter the standard equations used to define nuclear-interaction crosssections.
These altered equations not only predict that low-energy-nuclear
reactions (LENR) of D+ D- (and H+ H-) pairs are possible, they predict that
they are probable.
The central idea of this paper is that the solid matrix in which LENR takes place provides
conditions such as: (1) confinement of deuterons (or deuterium atoms) in linear chains or in line
defects, (2) dynamical solid-state modes (phonons), which can store and exchange energy, and
(3) the strong interaction between appropriate phonon modes (particularly longitudinal-optical
modes) with electrons and ions. The resultant resonant D+-D- pairs in this environment permit
attractive forces and/or strongly-screened repulsive forces, rather than the normally-expected
strong-repulsive Coulomb forces between positively-charged nuclei. These options are not
available in a gaseous plasma, or in materials that lack (at least) short-range order.
It is a goal of this paper to provide an understandable, standard-physics basis (under special
conditions) for the extensive body of results presently available from LENR.1
Let us consider a linear chain of deuterons surrounded by an equal number of electrons. The
Hamiltonian for such a system is 2
H = He + HL + HeL + A, (1)
where the electron contribution is
He = Em C+
mCm + tmn (C+
mCm + h.c). (2)
Here the C+
m (Cm) denote the electron creation (annihilation) operators in the Wanneir state
|m>, at site m with spin . Em is the onsite single-particle energy of the electron and tmn = -
|t| is the nearest-neighbor hopping integral. The lattice Hamiltonian is
HL = ħD m (d+
m dm + ½ ), (3)
where D is the vibration frequency of the deuterium atom D (taken as an Einstein oscillator) and
with d+
m (dm) denoting the phonon creation (annihilation) operators.
The interaction of electrons with the above phonon modes is described by
HeL = għD C+
mCm (d+
m + dm), (4)
where g is a dimensionless coupling constant. The last term in Equation 1, A, is a constant
negative energy due to negative space charge in the channel. Note that in a low-dimension (one
or two) structure, the potential energy between two deuterium atoms is much deeper and
negative, relative to that of atoms in a 3-D lattice.3 A suitable unitary transformation4,5 leads to a
displaced harmonic oscillator [d'
m (dm + )] and, in the transformed total Hamiltonian, the onsite
single-electron energy E*
m = Em Ed, with Ed = g2 ħD; the hopping integral (in Equation 2)
mn = tmn exp(-g)2; (5)
and the electron effective mass2
m* = me exp[Ed /ħD] = me exp[g2]. (6)
Even for a very conservative value of g2 = 1.6, this will give m* = 5me (see below Equation 9).
Let us now consider the situation of two deuterons and two electrons in a chain. This
introduces Coulomb repulsion (Ue) between two electrons about an atom at site m in the same
orbital state |m>, but having opposite spin. The displacement transformation
m)* = C+
m exp [-g (dm d+
m)], (7)
gives the effective Hamiltonian and the various parameters are obtained as
m = Em - Ed; Ue
* = Ue 2 Ed ; and t* = |t| exp [- g2] (8)
For U < 2Ed, U* becomes negative. Thus, there is potential inversion for the 2 electrons in the
singlet state and they will form a small on-site localized pair, a sort of composite boson
(lochon)2,6. Under this condition, the D- state will be more stable (has lower energy) than the
neutral atom D (though not necessarily more stable than the D+ = d state). This would lead to
the existence of D+-D- pairs. They would exist in the resonating state, D--D+ D+-D-, further
reducing their energy and inter-nuclear distance.
Strong Screening
Bound electrons reduce the effective charge of nuclei. An occasional transfer of one such
electron between two deuterium atoms forms a transient electron pair within a D+-D- pair. At
separations larger than the orbital radius of the electrons, this transfer changes a neutral
relationship to an attractive one. At separations smaller than a fraction of the orbital radius of the
electrons, it still gives a significant reduction in effective Coulomb repulsion between the
nuclei. This effective potential will be represented by
Ud* = ((e*)2/r ) = (e2/r) (1- exp [-as/L]) , (9)
where as is the strong-electron-screening length, L = (ħ/mL
* L) is the rationalized deBroglie
wavelength1 of the lochon, mL
* being the effective mass of the lochon, and L its speed (as
determined from its energy in the atomic and molecular potential wells of the two deuterons) .
This screening by lochons is a short-range effect and reduces the repulsive potential between
reacting nuclei (deuterons here). Screening by itinerant electrons is weak in this range (relative
to that of the bound electrons) and hence not considered here.7
The coupling into an optical-phonon mode, along with the attractive potential of the D+-Dpair,
briefly produces a nearly 1-D encounter that greatly increases the potential-well depth of
this short-lived molecule.
Penetration Factor and Cross Section
Next, we discuss the fusion reaction of a screened d-d reaction in 1-D. For an incident
particle of effective charge e*, the penetration factor P(l, Ea) decreases rapidly with its decreasing
total energy, Ea, where l is its orbital angular-momentum state. In this low-energy situation,
particles in an l = 0 state contribute most.8 We have:
2 2 1/2
1/2 2
o P(0, Ea ) (V (R)/Ea ) exp[-2 (| k - (2M / )(e*) /r) |) dr]
o (V (R)/E ) exp[-2 k (|1- (r /r) |) dr] a , (10)
where k is the wave vector of particle a, Md is the reduced mass of two deuterons, and with
Vo(R) = (e*2)/R:
ro = (e*)2 2Md/ħ2 k2, R << ro . (11)
The integral requires careful treatment since, as r 0, it has a singular term. Hence, resorting
to an asymptotic expansion (a better approximation for expression of the integral as r 0), we
P(0,Ea) = (Vo(R)/Ea)1/2 exp [- (e*)2/ħ r] , (12)
where r is the relative velocity. The cross-section (a,b) of this reaction is
(a,b) = (constant / Ea) exp[-(e*)2/ħ r]
= (/k2) exp[-(e2/ħ r) (1 exp (-as/ L))] , (13)
where k2 = (2 Md Ea / ħ) = Md
2 r
2 / ħ and Md, Ea, as , and L are as above. The critical
difference between this development9 and the prior work (standard model) is a factor of 2 in the
exponent that exists in the regular solution and is gone here (valid at least for r => R).
The key values in the present model are those calculated for the deBroglie wavelengths for the
lochon and the deuterons, as a function of d-d gap, and the value taken for as. This value is the
screening provided by the bound electrons/lochon and is given in Ichimaru7 (page 9) based on
the ion-sphere model. Normally this is ½ the sum of the atomic-orbital radii for the charge state
of the two atoms [aij = (ai + aj)/2]. In our model, aij = 0.53A for the D-D case and, since we can
1 Several of the references herein use rather than (the deBroglie wavelength), in their equations. We follow suit.
ignore the radius of the bare deuteron, aij = ~ 0.3A for the D+ - D- case. So, we assume a range of
values between the initial value as = aij /2 (the Bohr radius divided by 2 since we are using L
in the equation) and that of the 1-D case (as described above and under the appropriate
circumstances), which will reduce as by up to an order of magnitude.
The value of L varies from ~10-9 down to ~10-10 cm, while the lochons accelerate between the
deuterons and the Coulomb field grows as the gap shrinks. This large lochon size, relative to the
nuclear-interaction distances, is a major limitation for strong screening. However, being bound,
the electron/lochon screening of the deuterons increases with kinetic energy (i.e., as orbits
shrink), rather than decreasing as is the case for free electrons. The 1-D nature of the problem
affects the electron s-orbital orientation, in that the electron/lochon direction of motion is along
the d-d axis, and therefore this localization and the velocity-induced shrinkage of L (along the dd
axis) aids in the screening.
Reaction Rate
The reaction rate (per cm3 per second) for d-d- fusion with lochon screening is given by
Rdd = r*
2 Nd
2/ħ [(e2/ħ r) (1 exp (-as/ L)]
x exp [-(e2/ħ r )(1 exp (-as/ L))] ; (14)
where r*
dd = ħ2/2 MN e2 is the nuclear Bohr radius for a pair of deuterons; MN is the average mass
per nucleon 1.66 x 10-24 gm; KB is the Boltzmann constant; T is the temperature (with KBTL
having dimensions of energy x area); and Nd is the concentration of deuterons per unit volume.
The model presented in the foregoing section is more appropriate for reaction on the surface or
defect-plane in the lattice. The reaction rate is the number of effective collisions of deuterons
per unit area per sec. To convert to this picture, set KBTL
2 => KBTL = energy x length and set
Nd => NS = number of deuterons per unit area (rather than per unit volume).
The results of Equation 14,
modified for surfaces, are plotted
in Figure 1, taking some acceptable
values of the parameters involved.
However, the figure plots the
reaction rate assuming that 100%
of the available lattice sites are
actively involved. It is likely that
only a percentage of the sites can
be made to contribute to LENR.
Three values of as/L (1, 0.2, and
0.1) have been selected for the
lochon case.
Figure 1 The D+ - D- reaction
rate (for a surface), as a function
of D+ - D- separation distance, for
three ratios of as/L (1, 0.2, & 0.1).
In the foregoing sections, we have presented a model incorporating conditions in the
condensed matter state that can facilitate fusion of deuterons aided by interaction of electrons
with phonon modes of the system. The cross-section of the reaction improves considerably
owing to the presence of d-d pairs in line defects and with strong screening provided by bound
electron pairs (lochons). However, only a mechanism, such as D+ and D- pairing can bring the
deuterons close enough to permit a modified standard nuclear model to predict LENR.
Recent experiments by several workers, in which the material (e.g., powder or particles), is
taken to be in the nanometer range, suggest that the creation of large surface area plays an
important role.10 These surfaces may provide the required active sites, in the 2-D geometry that
can harbor lochons and D+ + D- ion pairs. Our computed reaction rate is found to be > 1014 per
cm2 per second (Figure 1) for two-dimensional surfaces, in agreement with the estimate of some
The role of optical-phonon modes is important for their bringing the D+ + D- pairs together, for
coupling of ions to electrons, and as a source of resonant coupling to provide the required
surface-mode excitation (surface plasmon or phonon) that can lead to enhanced-optical
potentials. Recent work, on excitation of surface plasmon/polaritons with tuned lasers,11,12
indicates the importance of this mechanism, where the induced-optical potential aids the fusion
reaction by several orders of magnitude. The known presence of resonant D+ + D- ion pairs in the
solid state (coupled via optical phonons) greatly increases the d-d interaction cross-section by
altering the shape of the Coulomb barrier to the extent of requiring a change in the equations
normally used in nuclear physics.
This work is supported in part by HiPi Consulting, New Market, MD, USA, by the Science for
Humanity Trust, Bangalore, 560094, India, by the Science for Humanity Trust, Inc, Tucker, GA,
USA, and by the Indian National Science Academy.
1. P. L Hagelstein, M. McKubre, D. J. Nagel, T. A. Chubb and R. J. Jekman, Report to DOE,
USA (2004).
2. K. P. Sinha, Infinite Energy 29, 54 (2000).
3. S.H. Patil, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 2197 (2003).
4. A. P. B. Sinha and K.P. Sinha, Ind. J. Pure and Appl. Phys. 1, 286 (1963).
5. I. G. Lang and Yu. A. Firsov, Sov. Phys. JETP, 16, 1301 (1963).
6. P.W. Anderson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 953 (1975).
7. S. Ichimaru, Statistical Plasma Physics, Vol II, Condensed Plasmas (Addison Wesley Pub.
Comp. 1994).
8. J. M. Blatt and V. F. Weisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, (Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 52).
9. K. P. Sinha and A. Meulenberg, Lochon Catalyzed D-D Fusion in Deuterated Pd in the
Solid State, Nat. Acad. of Sc. (India) Letters, Vol.30, No. 7&8, 2007, (arXiv:0705.0595v1)
10. D. J. Nagel, Proc. of the 13th International Conf. on Cold Fusion, Sochi, Russia (2007).
11. K.P. Sinha and A. Meulenberg, Current Science, 91, 907 (2006), (arXiv:cond-mat/0603213 ).
12. D. Letts and P. L. Hagelstein, Stimulation of Optical Phonons in Deuterated Palladium,
this proceedings.
The Cold Fusion Ping List
You mean the off is better than THAT?!
Grappling with Whether the E-CAT is a fraud
Wednesday, June 08, 2011 3:55:51 PM · 80 of 98
Kevmo to mad_as_he$$
someone made the comment that all of this is normal quantum theory.
***Yup, Widom Larsen theory, as well as KP Sinhas theory.
What a bunch of crap!!!
Please add me to the Fusion List ** Thanks **
Mah brain hurt...
Is that a cousin of yours?
I followed it well enough, making some assumptions about the non-printable characters.I guess I should look at the PDF and see how far off I was. The answer I got was 42.
Be it known that I have no problem with cold fusion. I have my own experimental apparatus that shows a lot of promise... At this point it is 700% over unity.
However this article is bunk...
However this article is bunk...
***This guy is a world class scientist with several articles published in peer reviewed journals, and it pulls only from classical physics. Explain how it is bunk.
Do it. Then publish the paper.
Are there any competing chemical or nuclear reactions? (E.g off the wall suggestion of the type of thing I'm considering, oxygen within the reaction vessel might react with the d to produce heavy water which would segregate the reactants instead of the desired LENR.)
Can we combine this with the predicted reaction rates and make a sanity check against the observed energy output?
Did it say the reaction cross section increased with increasing energy, as it has been suggested that Rossi's reactor got more efficient as it got going?
Is is possible for two d's to enter a quasi-bound state and then separate, thus lowering the true reaction rate?
Can one compare the observed energy output and infer a reaction rate, or (given an estimate of surface area) develop a series of curves, analogous to a phase diagram, of the relative proportions of lattice sites of various surface spacings? (This might help in engineering the metal powder in the future.)
Seems to be the same basic concept as the Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator.
Do it. Then publish the paper.
***That appears to be what Rossi’s doing. Perversely enough, he’s being criticized for not publishing the paper.
Matthew 11:16
To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others:
Matthew 11:15-17 (in Context) Matthew 11 (Whole Chapter)
Luke 7:32
They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to each other: We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not cry.
Luke 7:31-33 (in Context) Luke 7 (Whole Chapter)
The End of Snide Remarks Against Cold Fusion
Friday, June 05, 2009 5:56:08 PM · by Kevmo · 95 replies · 1,770+ views
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