To: Servant of the Cross
I see your rant as a 'anyone but Sarah'.
And I got a got a taste of what you consider conservative ea, yea, yea, yea .... blah, blah, blah, blah ....You paint NRO with too broad a brush - Andy McCarthy, Jay Nordlinger are conservatives through and through.
Manipulating news - nothing honest or conservative about that. I rest my case and thumbs down on your (um no) - in your push for 'anyone but Sarah'. It's an attempt at being subtle and it's a turn off - and more of a plus for SARAH as her enemies are trying the 'angel of light' approach since the outward trashing failed. Deception is repulsive to me.
To: presently no screen name; paulycy; Jonty30; USS Alaska; Kartographer is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson