I completely agree! Deceptive presentlynoscreenname attacks FReepers wantonly and regularly with classic alinsky-like tactics.
Go back to your hate-Herman and hate-the Catholic Church threads. You are the deceptive troll that you accuse others of being (hey, that's an alinsky rule too).
Oh wow! Explosion when exposed by your ‘through and through conservative’ and your ‘chosen’ intimidation ‘thin skinned’ tactic.
I hope your thread gets read and some who haven’t paid attention get to see how desperate the ‘anyone but Sarah’ crowd roams around seeking who they may deceive.
Score one for Truth! Thank you God for wisdom and discernment.
Ah. I didn’t recognize him as a Alinsky acolyte. I almost let him drive a wedge between me and the other Freepers.
Now that I know, I know how to handle him.