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Could you see a Romney '12 sign in your yard or sticker on your car?
Posted on 06/07/2011 8:01:36 AM PDT by Sybeck1
I remember when I put a McCain sticker on the car and the sign went up in the yard. It was October of 08. It took of course him picking Sarah as his VP spot. (I remember just before that the buzz was Joe Lieberman was going to be the one).
Now as I write Romney is in the lead of our pack. He of course is not the conservative favorite. Right not he has three strikes against him and they are big. Romneycare which was the model of Obamacare. Ethanol which is just the same old crony ways. And just last week he stated he believed in the Global Warming Hoax. So now our possible saviour is against us.
Knowing this could you see a Romney '12 sign in your yard or sticker on your car? That is a public statement, and not just simply going to the polls to vote against the One.
I for one can't see a sign placed in my yard or bumpersticker on my vehicle, no matter who is one the ticket with him.
TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: 2012; ineligibleromney; littleromney; rhymeswithmitt; rino; romney; romneybackstabbing; romneybigdig; romneycare; romneycoverups; romneydirtytricks; romneydogabuse; romneyiagsupport; romneymarriage; romneytaxesasfees; smallromney; smellslikemitt; themagicrino; therinoromney
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To: Sybeck1
I don’t like Romney and I absolutely will not vote for him in the primaries............ but............ if he is the Republican nominee....... yeah I’ll vote for him but I am not sure about the sign and any money I donate will already be gone.
posted on
06/07/2011 8:30:57 AM PDT
To: MEGoody
While he is not my first choice - actually far from it, he is an improvement over what we have now. At least R. does not hate this country and would not mock this country with the appointments of clowns and/or unqualified people.
posted on
06/07/2011 8:31:12 AM PDT
To: greene66
I still have a Fred Thompson sticker on the back window of my SUV.
posted on
06/07/2011 8:32:37 AM PDT
(Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
To: Sybeck1
No. Romney has no substantive policy differences from Obama. America needs a change of leadership, not just a progressive statist liberal of a different color.
posted on
06/07/2011 8:33:55 AM PDT
(There are millions of paranoid people in the world and they are all out to get me.)
To: Diogenesis
Not sure whether to laugh or yawn at that.
posted on
06/07/2011 8:34:54 AM PDT
sand lake bar
(This bag may be used as a toy)
To: Dante3
he is an improvement over what we have now. How is that? He backs government healthcare, abortion, homosexual "rights" and global warming. How's he different?
posted on
06/07/2011 8:35:11 AM PDT
(America! The wolves are at your door! How will you answer the knock?)
To: trisham
I’m not even for a second going to entertain the idea of Romney getting the nomination. I’m voting for Sarah Palin.
To: trisham
I’m not even for a second going to entertain the idea of Romney getting the nomination. I’m voting for Sarah Palin.
To: trisham
I’m not even for a second going to entertain the idea of Romney getting the nomination. I’m voting for Sarah Palin.
To: Dante3
Romney will appoint liberal SC justices, sign into law liberal policies, support same liberal foreign policies, but he won’t bow to foreign diplomats, so that makes him ok to vote for in your mind?
To: 4rcane
its not going to survive Romney either,.so better to have obama to take the blame than a gop
As i said in another post If the republic has to burn make sure the progressives take the heat.
posted on
06/07/2011 8:39:15 AM PDT
(There are millions of paranoid people in the world and they are all out to get me.)
To: Sybeck1
I’ll just stay home which I would have done if Sarah’s dad hadn’t chose her for VP.
posted on
06/07/2011 8:40:37 AM PDT
("Don't take life so seriously... You'll never live through it anyway")
To: Sybeck1
If he becomes the nominee, then I will have to consider a third party alternative.
To: Lilyjuslan
I’m sick of hearing about Romney. If he gets the nomination, we’ve failed again.
posted on
06/07/2011 8:42:33 AM PDT
(Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
To: Vendome
Ya can’t ‘just stay home’ with down ticket positions to be elected.
posted on
06/07/2011 8:42:39 AM PDT
(Some, believing they can't be deceived, it's nigh impossible to convince them when they're deceived.)
To: Joann37; 4rcane
If that is what it takes to get the country clubbers aroused and focused on just who pays to keep the lights on around here;
Then YES. I will stay home and Barry can have his place in history of a magnificent landslide.
Sometimes you gotta get sick to get better.
posted on
06/07/2011 8:42:59 AM PDT
("Don't take life so seriously... You'll never live through it anyway")
To: Sybeck1
posted on
06/07/2011 8:43:10 AM PDT
(They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature...)
To: Lazamataz
I will leave the Presidential slot unvoted if Romney is the candidate.
I will vote for the third party conservative candidate that a Romney nomination will almost certainly create. I understand that there is little or no chance of winning. However there is no substantive difference between Romney and Obama. And at least a good showing by a conservative would send a clear and unmistakable message to the establishment GOP that while a conservative might lose, every time they run a RINO they guarantee 100% to lose.
P.S. Welcome back Laz
posted on
06/07/2011 8:43:56 AM PDT
(There are millions of paranoid people in the world and they are all out to get me.)
To: Sybeck1
Not just NO, but HELL, NO!
posted on
06/07/2011 8:44:07 AM PDT
("One man with courage is a majority." - Thomas Jefferson)
To: Diogenesis
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