So, we shouldn't expect to convince or persuade them, we just have to defeat them.
To them politics is a blood sport, a no-holds-barred fight to the death. The issue is never the issue with them. Their goal is power, period. With power they don't have to reason with you. They simply dictate to you.
Yet, despite it all, we persist in being on our best behavior. We are always statesmen rather than win-at-all-costs politicians. They use our goodness against us. Saul Alinsky advises them in his Rules for Radicals to hold us to the highest possible standards while there should be no standards for them. That is how we end up on the short end quite often. We boot ours out for the slightest indiscretion while they defend and protect the likes of Barney Frank, Anthony Wiener, Bill Clinton, Harry Reed, Charles Rangel, and the myriad of other Scofflaws they support. In fact, they have us so cowed with the media and political correctness we don't even dare to be impolite.
That is the appeal of Palin. She won't be cowed no matter what they do. Once the public finds out what she stands for and what she has done the Left knows they are in trouble. They are as afraid of the message as they are of Sarah.
I am not advising that we become them. I just intend to point out the difference so that we stop being push-overs.
>>Yet, despite it all, we persist in being on our best behavior. We are always statesmen rather than win-at-all-costs politicians. <<
May I suggest sometimes we are a little less than that...