ANYONE who thinks that they can protect their kids after sending them off on that nice yellow bus is NUTS.
I don’t care how ‘involved’ you are as a parent, they HAVE your kids and by God they are going to do as they please to them. My immigrant wife lost 3 nephews to gayness in a large school system in a liberal area. They parent (her siblings) simply, and understandably, had no clue what was going on - but even so, this is absolutely horrible. Back home, those guys would be happily married with kids now.
You will never win trying to fight these people on their turf (i.e., the ‘schools’), you must either defeat them in your state capitol, or simply GET YOUR KIDS OUT of their domain, as some of us have done.
ANYONE who thinks that they can protect their kids after sending them off on that nice yellow bus is NUTS.
I think the big trick is more on the line of giving your own spin to the kids vs. what is taught to them. It is difficult, but not impossible.
My opinion on most of this is that the most important thing to teach to the kids in their early years is the basics of speaking, reading, writing, and simple math.
Every conservative should dedicate him or herself to the complete abolishment of government schooling on every level. Why?
Every ( that means **all**) government owned and run school in this nation is utterly godless in its worldview. Children **will** learn to think and reason godlessly. They must simply to cooperate with the classroom indoctrination ( oops! “instruction”) and homework assignments. Homosexuality can only thrive in a godless environment.
And....No, there never was any golden age of government schooling. At their very best they offered up a generic and lukewarm Protestantism that could be accepted by voting mob without rebellion. Children who attend lukewarm Christian schools learn to be comfortable with lukewarm religion. Well...We know what Christ does with the lukewarm. He spits them out of His mouth!
If the majority of our nation's citizen who are alive today, had been educated in a thoroughly Judeo-Christian environment that integrated that child's specific religious beliefs into every minute of the school day, we would not be having this discussion about homosexuality. It wouldn't be in our faces in the culture, in the media, in the arts, or part of the K-12 or college classroom discussion. It would still be locked in the closet where it belongs.